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Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition :: Nintendo 3DS Game Review

Reviewed by on Apr 27, 2011
Rating: 5 Star Rating

Take the fight to the streets! The Nintendo 3Ds gets an awesome version of the popular fighting game.

Super Street Fighter IV: 3D Edition is arguably the best game that came out from the Nintendo 3DS launch. This arcade fighter is a rough port of the console game, but manages to keep a lot of the features and even the graphics from the more powerful home console version.

Be As Pro as you Want

The 3Ds version of Street Fighter IV is similar to the home console version in many ways. All the characters, including their different outfits and colors, are available right from the get go. No need for unlocking.

The controls work the same way too: you use the four face buttons on the 3DS and the two shoulder buttons for the three different kick and punch strengths. However, with the 3DS, you also have the touch screen, which will give you four special buttons that you can use.

For new players, they can go "lite" and the touch screen will let you use your character's special moves and combos, helping you to learn how to play each character faster. For "pro" players, the touch screen can be adjusted to show basic buttons or special combination presses so that it's easier to perform certain moves faster. This way, the game is great for new and old players.

Fight on the Street

The 3DS version includes arcade, challenge, and training mode. It also has decent online support where it is easy to find opponents to play. There is a special Streetpass mode where you unlock figurines, each with its own stats. You can put several figurines together to make a team and streetpass people to battle their team. This will earn points and experience that you can use to upgrade and get more figurines.

Overall, the Street Fighter is great. There is a lot to do and you can always improve your technique against others online. The characters look good graphics wise, but the backgrounds are a bit static and blurry. 3D isn't a big deal in the game, but that doesn't really matter. If you are interested in a fighting game, you should definitely try this one out!


Price: $39.99

ESRB Rating: T for Teen

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