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Nintendogs + Cats :: Nintendo 3DS Game Review

Reviewed by on Apr 27, 2011
Rating: 4 Star Rating

Get ready for cuteness 3D! Nintendo brings back those adorable dogs and has even thrown cats in this time for good measure!

If you have a strong desire to own a pet but can't do so for whatever reason, Nintendo has a pretty sweet solution for you! With Nintendogs + Cats, you can train and play with up to three different pets at the same time. This game is a sequel of sorts to the original Nintendogs game that came out for the original DS awhile back.

Pet Simulation

Nintendogs + Cats is a pet simulation where you adopt a pet and can teach them tricks, dress them up, take them out for walks, and enter them into competitions. Each breed of dog and cat look very realistic, with ultra soft fur and fluid animation. Every breed has its own unique behaviours and moves differently as well, making it a unique experience each time you bring home a new friend.

Essentially everything is done with the touch screen, as you can pet, wash and play with your pets. You can also use the mic to teach your pets audio commands like "sit" and "roll over." As you play, you will unlock new toys and other rewards.

Daily Walks and other Chores

Nintendogs + Cats is basically the same game that it was five years ago with the original Nintendogs on the DS. This can be a good or bad thing depending on how much you love animals and if you have gotten bored of the series. The graphics and speech recognition has improved for sure, but in the end there isn't that many different things to try out and you can easily explore all the features in a few days.

Unlike other 3DS games, however, the 3D effect for Nintendogs + Cats works really well and can greatly improve your gameplay experience. You can also use the AR cards to place your pets in real environments and take 3D pictures. Overall, the game is super cute and plays well. However, unless you are a big animal fan, you will most likely get bored of this game quickly.


Price: $39.99

ESRB Rating: E for Everyone

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