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Captain America: The First Avenger Movie Review

Reviewed by on Jul 22, 2011
Rating: 5 Star Rating

Chris Evans transforms from scrawny to buff in under one minute in Captain America: The First Avenger, released in theaters on July 22, 2011. And Kidzworld has the movie review.


All his life, Steve Rogers has been treated like the small, weak boy that he is. However, Steve has something that most other men lack - courage. He never backs down from a fight, even if it means getting beaten to a pulp. More than anything, Steve wants to join the army like his friend. But because of his size and his asthma, he is always rejected.

The Experiment

Until one day, a German-American scientist named Dr. Erskine takes notice of him. He sees that Steve has a good heart and that he would make the perfect candidate for his experiment. World War II is in full swing and the American’s need an advantage against the Nazi science department’s powerful weapons - a human advantage. Using a new serum, the doctor targets and enlarges Steve’s main muscle groups to create an extremely powerful human being.

Proving You Belong

With the colonel still refusing to let him join the army, the new-and-improved Steve is forced to embody a character called Captain America, and dance and act his way into the hearts of the nation. But his films and stage productions - not to mention his costume - only make him the laughing stock of the military. Steve must use his good heart, determination and heightened abilities to prove to the colonel and the troops that he doesn't just deserve a place in the army, he deserves to lead it.

The Bottom Line

Captain America: The First Avenger uses remarkable effects to make Chris Evans’ body look slimmer and shorter in the beginning of the film. Overall the movie has high action, a strong distinction between good and evil, a cute romance and good morals. Definitely one of Marvel’s best superhero movies! Tell us what you think of Captain America: The First Avenger in our comments section below!

Captain America: The First Avenger Rating: 5

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