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All About Rodeos

Apr 10, 2012

A rodeo is a bunch of events where a Cowboy can showoff his Cowboy skills... everything from riding a bull to swinging a lasso around a pig while riding a horse. As much fun as they may seem to most people, rodeos are full of pain, fear, and certain death for most of the animals.

Hog-Tieing History

Rodeos began way back in the 1700s when farmers were in competition with other farmers. The farms would send in their ranchers and cowboys to show off their skills at a big rodeo competition and prove to everyone that they knew what they were doing. Whatever farm that would win these rodeos would be chosen as the main farm to supply food for the population of big cities... and that meant BIG MONEY!

Careless CowboyRodeo RulesCourtesy of msnbc.msn.com

Nowadays it doesn't really matter who wins a rodeo. Farms no longer control animals with cowboys and everything is run with machinery so whoever wins the rodeo won't change who makes money in the farming business. But people still love to watch the cowboys carry on the tradition to see who can ride a bull the longest.

Rodeo Rundown

Horse is TaseredElectric ProngsCourtesy of smh.com.au

Just like the X Games, cowboys sign up for a rodeo to show off their tricks and skills. They are then graded and given awards for certain events. Those events are:

  • Bareback Riding
  • Steer Wrestling
  • Team Roping
  • Saddle Bronc Riding
  • Tie-Down Roping
  • Barrel Racing
  • Bull Riding
  • Herding

Cow Cruelty

Alright most of us enjoy eating a hamburger, but does that mean we want to see the cow tortured and yanked around with ropes and electricuted with tasers... just to amuse people?


Angst for Animals

Many animal rights activists fight against the rodeo. Because the animals are usually abused before they become pork chops and steak, Rodeos are constantly under surveillance by the government to make sure the animals are treated with some respect. But the sad fact is that it's obvious that the horses and bulls are electricuted and treated viciously to make them try to buck the cowboys off their backs.

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