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World Suicide Prevention Day

You are never alone.

Sep 04, 2021

Depression and mental health are important issues that all too often get swept aside or ignored, and can lead to self harm and suicide in many cases. Take action and help prevent suicide by observing World Suicide Prevention Day this September 10th.

World Suicide Prevention Day2/3 of people with depression never seek help

The Facts

Did you know that on average almost 3000 people commit suicide daily around the world, and for every person who succeeds there are 20  more that have tried.121 million people worldwide struggle with depression, and 2/3 of people who are fighting depression never seek help. World Suicide Prevention Day was created by the World Health Organization, The International Association for Suicide Prevention and the World Federation for Mental Health as a way of bringing awareness to this very serious problem.

World Suicide Prevention Day always falls on September 10th, during Suicide Prevention Week which runs from September 5th - 11th, 2021.

To Write Love on Her Arms 

To Write Love on Her Arms is non-profit society in the United States that helps people who are struggling with depression, anxiety, substance abuse and mental health issues in general - often these problems are related and unhelped can lead to suicide. TWLOHA wants to promote awareness and help lift the stigma and embarassment people associate with depression and related issues and get  people the help they need. TWLOHA is participating in World Suicide Prevention Day and Suicide Prevention Week and have great information and advice for anyone seeking answers, to learn more about them check out their site here.

World Suicide Prevention DayTo Write Love on Her Arms connects people in need of help with resources

What You Can Do

If you're interested in promoting awareness, are worried about someone you know or just want to get involved with making sure people around you have access to help if they need it, here are some suggestions:

  • Approach your teacher or school about educating suicide and mental health.
  • Arrange a club to talk about depression and anxiety.
  • Find out if your local community centre has resources for people suffering from depression.
  • Open up a discussion among your classmates and friends about preventing self-harm or bullying, ask a teacher to moderate.
  • If you are worried about a friend/family member, yourself or someone you know and need help immediately, check out TWLOHA's emergency contacts here.
  • If you have questions about suicide and related issues, do some research in library, on the internet and talk to your parents.

World Suicide Prevention DayWorld Suicide Prevention Day is September 10th