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Top 5 Thanksgiving Traditions

Nov 08, 2020

Each family has their own special traditions, no matter what the holiday, but there's a few a Thanksgiving that everyone loves - find out more!

5. Parades

Many cities host festivities on Thanksgiving, including a parade. The most famous Thanksgiving parade in the U.S has to be the Macy's parade in New York City. They attract big name stars to sing on the floats, and features helium balloons of cartoon characters, Broadway musical numbers and marching bands. Hordes of people come out to watch and celebrate!

A giant Snoopy helium balloon at the Macy's paradeA giant Snoopy helium balloon at the Macy's parade

4. Shop Til You Drop

A day off is a day to shop for lots of people, and with Thanksgiving kicking off the holiday season, lots of people already have their minds on stocking up on stocking stuffers for Christmas. Some stores offer special Thanksgiving deals, making it even more enticing to brave the crowds and hit the mall. 

Black Friday is the day after American ThanksgivingBlack Friday is the day after American Thanksgiving

The day After Thanksgiving (Friday) is known as Black Friday. This also is unofficially or officially start of holiday shopping season. Almost all stores come out with Doorbuster Sales with early bird special to attract consumers to their stores.

3. Home for the Holidays

Thanksgiving is a national holiday in the U.S. and Canada (although not on the same day), meaning banks, schools and many businesses take the day off. We all want to be with our families on Thanksgiving, right? Pack your suitcase, it's time to get in the car, catch a plane, or take a bus to your family dinner.

Happy Thanksgiving!Happy Thanksgiving!

2. Tuning out to TV

How should you pass the time waiting for dinner? Crowding around the TV with your family is a time-honored Thanksgiving tradition (and gets you out of the kitchen while the cooks are doing all the work!) If you're a football fan, then Thanksgiving has an added bonus, there are games to watch all weekend.

Football on TV is a Thanksgiving TV tradition!Football on TV is a Thanksgiving TV tradition!

Did you know that The Detroit Lions play every Thanksgiving? They started this tradition in 1934!

1. A Family Feast!

It's not Thanksgiving unless you have a big old feast, usually featuring a Turkey (or maybe some Tofurkey for you veg-heads out there.) Every family's recipes are special and different, but there are few staples that seem to make it to most tables - like mashed potatoes, yams, and last but not least, pumpkin pie

Are you excited for Thanksgiving dinner?Are you excited for Thanksgiving dinner?

Pssst! Have you ever received the wishbone? This is a bone in the turkey that is traditionally pulled apart by two people to make a wish - whoever gets the bigger half is supposed to get luck on their side for their wish.

Have Your Say

What is your favorite Thanksgiving tradition? Let us know in the comments section below!