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Life of the Party Movie Review

Sometimes you get a do-over.

Reviewed by on May 10, 2018
Rating: 3 Star Rating

Kidzworld saw the new Melissa McCarthy comedy Life of the Party. Is it hilarious? Could you enjoy it with your mom? Check our movie review.

By: Lynn Barker

In Life of the Party, super dedicated housewife/mom Deanna (Melissa McCarthy) is shocked when hubby wants a divorce. Marriage and pregnancy meant she never finished her Senior year in college. Will her daughter Maddie (Molly Gordon) be able to handle it when mom enrolls at her college and embraces newfound freedom, fratboys and joins her sorority?

Mom Deanna drops Maddie off at collegeMom Deanna drops Maddie off at collegeCourtesy of Warner Bros. Pictures

Big Changes

Deanna and husband Dan (Matt Walsh) drop off daughter Maddie for her senior year at college. Deanna, of the ‘80’s hair and embarrassing mom-sweaters, has a hard time letting her daughter go. When husband Dan announces he’s in love with a real estate broker (Julie Bowen) and wants a divorce, Deanna’s world is shattered. After a visit to her wacky parents, Deanna confides in BFF Christine (Maya Rudolph) and visits Maddie at school announcing the divorce, visiting Maddie’s sorority pals and revealing her plan to go back to school to finish her senior year and get her Archeology degree!

Deanna seeks comfort from her parentsDeanna seeks comfort from her parentsCourtesy of Warner Bros. Pictures

College Crazies

After supplying herself with every corny college sweater, hat and wall decoration available, Deanna meets her roommate Leonor (Heidi Gardner) a sad goth who never leaves the room and she makes friends with “coma girl” Helen (Gillian Jacobs), one of Maddie’s sorority sisters. The professor of her Archeology class was a classmate of Deanna’s from twenty years ago and they get along great. At a divorce mediation, Dan brings his new fiancé and Deanna brings buddy Christina who pretends to be her lawyer. Not much is accomplished.

Goth roomie freaks Deanna outGoth roomie freaks Deanna outCourtesy of Warner Bros. Pictures

Party Hearty with Mom!

The girls try to cheer Deanna up by taking her to a frat party. Maddie helps her modernize her look and she attracts a gorgeous fratboy named Jack (Luke Benward) and both mom and daughter do the “walk of shame” having spent the night at the frat house. After being freaked that her Archeology test will be an oral presentation, Deanna hits the books and gets stalked by an amorous Jack who won’t leave her alone. She can’t resist him even if she won’t backpack through Europe with him. She’s more of a rolling luggage girl.

Deanna parties with fratboy JackDeanna parties with fratboy JackCourtesy of Warner Bros. Pictures

Inspiration and Disappointment

Many of Maddie’s sorority sisters feel down and useless. Deanna encourages them to have pride in themselves and their work. The group attends a big ‘80’s frat party together and Deanna is the star. Hey, this was her era! She and mean girl Jennifer (Debby Ryan) have a dance-off and Deanna wins. Next morning she is kidnapped by the sorority and made an honorary sister. They call her Dee-Rock. The oral Archeology midterm goes horribly as Deanna, sweats, freaks and passes out! Out at dinner, Deanna runs into Dan’s fiancé who turns out to be Jack’s mom! Yikes! Deanna and sorority sisters get stoned on grass bark candy and wreck Dan’s wedding reception. He’s so angry that he cuts off all financial support and Deanna will have to drop out of school.

Deanna is queen of the '80's partyDeanna is queen of the '80's partyCourtesy of Warner Bros. Pictures


The sorority decides to throw a party with an admission price to raise money to keep Deanna in school. Christina Aguilera is in town for a concert so they lie and say she’s coming to the party. They raise enough money for Deanna’s tuition but what will happen when X-tina doesn’t show up? Will Deanna have to drop out of school before getting her degree……again?

Mean girl challenges Deanna to a dance-offMean girl challenges Deanna to a dance-offCourtesy of Warner Bros. Pictures

Wrapping Up

Life of the Party isn’t the most hilarious of talented Melissa McCarthy’s films but in addition to the comedy, there is a lot of heart and mother/daughter bonding that makes this a decent bet for a trip to the multiplex with your hip mom on Mother’s Day. However, the plot, in which older adults go back to college with hopefully hilarious consequences, has been done to death.

Bestie Christina (Maya Rudolph) cheers Deanna upBestie Christina (Maya Rudolph) cheers Deanna upCourtesy of Warner Bros. Pictures

At times, Bridesmaids star Maya Rudolph outshines Melissa with her bigmouthed bestie hijinks, and some of the sorority girl humor seems to be attempting to get into a Pitch Perfect groove but unsuccessfully. Usually, Melissa’s ad-libs are a riot but not so much here. Are there any good laughs? Yes, both verbal and physical, enough for us to go three stars.

Life of the Party Movie Rating: 3

Life of the Party Movie PosterCourtesy of Warner Bros. Pictures

See Life of the Party in theaters Friday, May 11th.

Have Your Say

Are you a fan of Melissa McCarthy’s movies? Do you have a favorite? Or, is this popular funnywoman not your cup of tea? Comment below!