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My Friends Are Smoking

Dec 27, 2006

Have some of your peeps started smoking? Do they know the dangers of lighting up? Here's what the Locker Room has to say to kids who are entering the dirty, smoggy world of tobacco.

My Friends Are Smoking

I really, really need your help! My three friends are smoking, and their friends are smoking, and their cousins are too. They told me not to tell, so I didn't. I went on the Internet and found information on how smoking is bad. I told them and now they're mad.
i NEED your help!

Keep Friends From Smoking

Your friends should be happy, not angry, that you're trying to tell them about the dangers of smoking. Don't feel bad about trying to break up your friends' cancer stick party - but I wouldn't go running to tell their parents. As a friend, you should definitely tell them about the health hazards and costs of smoking but there's no reason to be a tattle tale (that's almost as bad as being a smoker.) Most importantly, don't start smoking yourself.

Lots of kids start smoking because they think it looks cool, will help them lose weight or because they think it would be neat to have a fatal lung disease by the time they're 30. It may seem like everyone you know is smoking but most people don't. Those that do smoke will regret that they started because puffing on cigarettes makes you wrinkle faster and increases the risk of getting heart and lung diseases. It also truly makes you look like a chump. It also gives you bad breath and is expensive. (Wouldn't you rather spend your cash on CDs, video games or new clothes?)

You could always send you friends a few anti-smoking links in your next email. Here are some cool ones: ash.org, www.smokefree.gov and www.thetruth.com. Maybe, if they won't listen to you, they'll listen to the facts on these sites.

If you've got a question you'd like to see answered in the Locker Room, to Kidzworld.

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