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Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw Blu-ray Review

Fun extras make this action-packed set worth collecting and gifting.

Reviewed by on Nov 05, 2019
Rating: 4 Star Rating

Kidzworld reviews Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw Blu-ray set. Will you want to gift or collect this funny and action-packed film? Extras are short but great especially for Johnson fans.

In Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw, scenes contrast the very different living and working “styles” of government operatives Luke Hobbs (Dwayne Johnson) and Deckard Shaw (Jason Statham). Hobbs is street fighter on a cycle and Shaw more sports car “James Bond”.

Hobbs on his morotcycleHobbs on his morotcycleCourtesy of Universal Pictures

Hobbs is raising his precocious young daughter while Shaw visits mom Queenie (Helen Mirren) in jail. Cybernetically-enhanced anarchist Brixton Lore (Idris Elba) will launch a killer virus on the world and Shaw’s estranged MI6 sister Hattie (Vanessa Kirby) tries to stop him only to be injected with the virus. Hobbs & Shaw must reluctantly work together to stop Lore, save the world and Shaw’s capable sis.   

Hobbs & Shaw | Extended Car Chase Clip


Hattie, Hobbs & Shaw

We are shown the different working and lifestyle habits of Hobbs & Shaw then see a squad of British MI6 “soldiers” attack a warehouse in search of a deadly virus held there by Brixton Lore who is strong as a Terminator via a high tech, mechanically-enhanced body. Hattie Shaw has to inject herself with the virus in order to keep it from Lore who kills her whole squad. She escapes. Lore frames her for killing the squad so she is on the run with him swearing to find her and get the virus back.

Hattie's whole squad is killedHattie's whole squad is killedCourtesy of Universal Pictures

Arguing Duo

Shaw and Hobbs are separately contacted (Hobbs by a CIA man unexpectedly played by funny Ryan Reynolds) to find Hattie, the virus and stop Lore. They hate each other (from previous experiences in the Fast & Furious films) and refuse at first. They work separately to find Hattie. Hobbs finally finds her takes her back to CIA HQ and asks where the virus is. Shaw arrives and Hattie admits that she self-injected the virus. She has tiny capsules of it in her bloodstream and they will break open, kill her and no doubt half the world in a limited time (about 42 hours).

Hobbs and Shaw have to work togetherHobbs and Shaw have to work togetherCourtesy of Universal Pictures

Lore Busts In

Lore and his crew break in and cleverly kidnap Hattie.  The guys discover that Lore’s electronics make him capable of anticipating their every move in a fight so he is almost unbeatable. Shaw supposedly killed him eight years ago but he’s been “fixed” by the advanced cybernetics lab Eteon. After a hot car and a very advanced motorcycle chase, the guys get Hattie back but Lore has cleverly set them up in the media as terrorists on the run.  The guys and Hattie then rescue Professor Andreiko (Eddie Marsan), who made the virus.  He explains that, in order to save Hattie from it, they have to either kill her or retrieve the equipment to extract it from the secret Eteon facility in Ukraine, Russia.

Brixton Lore is a black SupermanBrixton Lore is a black SupermanCourtesy of Universal Pictures

Russia Bound

A bored air marshal with international connections (surprise cameo by Kevin Hart), aids the trio who travel to Russia, where Hobbs & Shaw get equipped by one of Shaw’s underworld girlfriends and Hattie intentionally surrenders herself to Brixton Lore in order to get near the extraction machine. After again escaping elaborately with Hattie and the extraction machine, the trio thinks they won until they realize that the escape damaged the machine. Only a master mechanic can repair it. Hobbs knows one; his own brother Jonah (Cliff Curtis) in Samoa. The air marshal gets them there.

Shaw's old girlfriend has weaponsShaw's old girlfriend has weaponsCourtesy of Universal Pictures

Samoan Style

Hobbs hasn’t seen his family for 25 years due to his turning his dad in for criminal activity. The brother they need hates him but his mom welcomes him and his “friends”. Dad used to run an illegal chop shop with Hobbs’ brothers. Mom was afraid for their safety so got rid of all dad’s guns. However, she is well-stocked with native Samoan war weapons, spears, clubs etc. Hobbs makes up with his brothers and they start preparing for Lore and crew’s arrival. Jonah repairs the extraction machine and straps it onto Hattie but it will take a while to totally extract the tiny capsules inside her.

Hobbs and Samoan bros fight backHobbs and Samoan bros fight backCourtesy of Universal Pictures


Will our trio plus a Samoan “army” be able to beat Lore and his gang? Will Hattie survive and secure the virus? Will Hobbs & Shaw finally be able to work together willingly to beat Lore despite all his cyber-enhancements? Will the guys work together in future?

Can Hobbs and Shaw beat Lore's army?Can Hobbs and Shaw beat Lore's army?Courtesy of Universal Pictures

There are two mid-credits scenes and especially an end of credits scene that should establish the new team if there is a sequel to this film.

Special Extra Features

There are a ton of these on the Blu-ray disc. Many center on the amazing stunts in the film but others emphasize family, various characters and even Dwayne’s pet bulldog Hobbs!

  • Alternate Opening – more with Hobbs & Shaw dissing each other and more contrasting their very different lifestyles.
  • Deleted/Extended/Alternate Scenes – 22 scenes! All are worth a one-time looksee for more action, a little more character stuff.
  • Johnson & Statham: Hobbs & Shaw – Dwayne talks his chemistry with Jason Statham since the “Fast 8” movie. Director talks making a spin-off with these two alpha males. Dwayne on making Jason laugh. Fun.
  • Progress of a Fight Scene with Director David Leitch – The director, a former stunt coordinator, talks how to make a fight scene from concept to final product. Building each character’s fight style. Interesting.

Dwayne does a stuntDwayne does a stuntCourtesy of Universal Pictures
  • Practical Action – Choreography and on set fight action including the actors’ training.
  • The Bad Guy and The Sister- are too short examinations of Brixton, the Idris Elba baddie and Hattie Shaw, Shaw’s sister played by Vanessa Kirby who had never done an action film before. Would have liked more on these two!

Vanessa Kirby as Hattie ShawVanessa Kirby as Hattie ShawCourtesy of Universal Pictures
  • The Matriarch – A brief on set piece on cool Helen Mirren who plays Shaw’s con-woman mom Queenie. Neat!
  • New Friends – centers on the cameo appearances by Dwayne’s two buddies Ryan  Reynolds and Kevin Hart. Nice.
  • Elevator Action – takes apart the impressive scene in which Brixton repels down the FBI building. How this was shot.
  • Stunt Show and Tell – more stunt details including the fact that storyboards, then animated computer Pre-visualization are used before a stunt is shot. Nice info.

Helicopter stuntHelicopter stuntCourtesy of Universal Pictures
  • Keeping It in the Family: A conversation with Roman and Dwayne features world-class wrestler Roman Reigns talk the Samoan battle scenes, playing bros in the movie, how they met in the WWF and Dwayne’s family history with his wresting grandpa etc. Sweet.
  • Blind Fury Dwayne talks more about his wrestling champ grandpa and how he inspired some stunt action in the film.
  • Dwayne and Hobbs: Love at First Bite – Dwayne takes his personal bulldog Hobbs to set and coaches the dog through a scene. Cute.
  • Audio Commentary: Director David Leitch covers cast and their performances, tech set details, visual effects, story, locations, more on stunts.  Not a laugh riot but good info.

Wrapping Up

Picture and audio quality is great on this Blu-ray set. I would have liked a good gag/goofs reel but extras are very informative and entertaining, especially good for kids and teens who are into how stunts are done. Dwayne’s doggie is sooo cute.

Hobbs and Shaw ready to kick butHobbs and Shaw ready to kick buttCourtesy of Universal Pictures

The movie itself features pretty over-the-top and fun stunts, a little family drama and cool gadgets. Dwayne and Jason do have fun chemistry but a little of their love/hate banter goes a long way and the film is just too long and with a been-there-seen-that story plot.  Some of the story points are very illogical but then this was a summer blockbuster popcorn movie….if that’s an excuse.

Idris Elba makes a great baddieIdris Elba makes a great baddieCourtesy of Universal Pictures

If you are a Dwayne or Jason fan or an Idris Elba fan, the film is a must-add to your collection. We award four stars.

Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw Blu-ray Rating: 4

Fast and Furious Presents: Hobbs and Shaw Blu-ray and DVDCourtesy of Universal Pictures

Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw is in stores now!

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By: Lynn Barker