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The Incredible Hulk: Free PC Game Demo

Reviewed by on Dec 27, 2006
Rating: 3 Star Rating

Download the Incredible Hulk PC Game Demo for free and smash some puny humans! Find out how to do it, right here.

What's big, green, and totally mean? No, it's not a booger. It's The Incredible Hulk! The gamma-irradiated super-dude is smashing his way into theaters and video games. The Hulk has games due out for the PS2, Xbox, Gamecube, Gameboy Advance and PC on May 27, 2003. But, you can also download a free game demo of The Incredible Hulk for PC and start smashing puny humans for free!

The Incredible Hulk Smashing Facts!

The Incredible Hulk PC game lets you take control of the big, green dude and all his powerful moves, plus the awesome Rage Bar that'll let you really kick butt. You'll need all that power to battle The Leader and his evil minions to stop him from conquering the world. Can you handle it? Click the link below to find out!

The Incredible Hulk Demo Download Instructions

Download the Incredible Hulk free game demo here.

Once you hit the link, check out the 'Download Demo' link just to the right of the pictures of the hulk. Click the link and click the 'Hulk Demo' link on the next page. Then, decide if you want to fill out the email & age form to sign up for the latest news on new games or not. If you don't want do, then click the 'Download file without signing up' link. Otherwise, click the 'Download the Demo' link on page after you fill out the form.

Once you've hit the link to download the demo, choose where to save it on your computer. The free game demo is 170MB so it'll take a while to download so go wander off to munch on a Hulk-sized snack while you wait.

After the file has downloaded, double-click it to install The Incredible Hulk and start smashing!

Rating: 3

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