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Quiz the Coach - I Have Nowhere To Skate

Reviewed by on Dec 27, 2006
Rating: 1 Star Rating

Quiz the coach helps teen and tweens with sports and fitness related issues and problems like obesity, healthy eating questions, skateboard tricks and P.E. dilemmas. - Page 7

So ya dig sports but need some help with your game? Don't understand some of the rules of football, basketball or hockey? Got a gripe about P.E. class, skateboarders, cheerleading, coaches, or anything? Why not ?

1Hey Coach,
I love to skateboard but I live in the country with no cement or anything to skate on. When my parents go uptown I skateboard as much as I can but that isn't often. My parents don't have the time or money to take me to skateparks or uptown when I want to. Should I just give up skating or keep with it?

Hey Skateboarder_899

Are you actually thinking about giving up skateboarding just because you don't live in a cement paradise? Give your head a shake, dude. Part of the fun of skateboarding is trying to find new places to skate - even if it means being a bit creative. Back in the 1970s, skateboarders in California would sneak into someone's yard that had a swimming pool, drain the pool and then skateboard in the empty swimming pool until the owners of the home arrived. I'm not suggesting you turn other people's pools into your own skatepark - but don't let your location put an end to your skateboarding career.

With the help of your parents or a woodworking teacher at school, you can build a half-pipe, ramp or rail for your back yard without spending a ton of cash. Click here for a few ideas to help you get started. You could also try skateboarding in your house. Most kitchen floors are made of linoleum or tile which is a great surface for practicing ollies. You can try doing kickflips over chairs or grinding along the edge of a coffee table. Once again, we don't suggest you do this, cuz most parents probably won't be too impressed. But, it may convince them to take you to a skatepark once in a while, or to at least lay down a patch of cement in your back yard.

Do you need tips or advice on sports, fitness or health? to the Kidzworld Coach. Keep in mind peeps, the Kidzworld Coach isn't a doctor or a professional athlete or anything like that. He's just a dude who digs sports, plays 'em and knows a lot about 'em. You should always talk to your 'rents, a doctor or your school gym teacher before starting a new sport or a new exercise.

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