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Pokemon Pinball Ruby & Sapphire GBA Review

Reviewed by on Dec 27, 2006
Rating: 5 Star Rating

Gary reviews the Pokemon Pinball Ruby & Sapphire video game for the Nintendo Gameboy Advance and SP!

Pikachu, Machop, Mewtwo and more Pokemon are chillin' in the Nintendo Gameboy Advance with the Pokemon Pinball Ruby & Sapphire video game. If you've ever played a Pokemon video game, or even the card game, then you know that it's all about catchin' and evolvin' all the collectible pocket monsters to prove you're a master Pokemon Trainer.

Pokemon Pinball Basics

The controls for Pokemon Pinball Ruby & Sapphire are easy to learn, the real trick is mastering control over the ball. Once you've played for a few hours you'll be able to visit bonus stages and rack up more points than you'll know what to do with.

Pokemon Pinball Bonus Features

There are some cool features to Pokemon Pinball, the coolest is that there are about a zillion bonus rounds and ways to score points. Plus, you can trade Pokemon with your friends and check out all the Pokemon you've collected in your Pokedex.

Pokemon Pinball Problems

The biggest problem with Pokemon Pinball is that it's totally easy to beat this GBA video game. You'll be a master trainer in no time.

How Hard Is Pokemon Pinball?

It's easy to start playing and simple to master!

Age Rating: Everyone.

Pokemon Pinball Thumbs Up:

  • Tilt the table left, right and even up!
  • Two tables to choose from.
  • Trade Pokemon with your friends!
  • Tons of modes, features and ways to score.

Pokemon Pinball Thumbs Down:

  • It's so easy even Team Rocket could win!

Rating: 5

Systems: Gameboy Advance.

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