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Quiz the Coach - My Mom Won't Let Me Skateboard

Reviewed by on Dec 27, 2006
Rating: 1 Star Rating

Kidzworlds Quiz the Coach has sports advice, help and tips on camps, skateboarding and skateboard tricks, basketball rules, fouls, cheerleading tryouts and practice, making the team plus tons of other stuff! - Page 12

So ya dig sports but need some help with your game? Don't understand some of the rules of football, basketball or hockey? Got a gripe about P.E. class, skateboarders, cheerleading, teammates or coaches, or anything? Why not ? The Kidzworld Coach can help ya work out team problems or give ya tips and advice to improve your game - all ya gotta do is ask!

1Hey Coach,
My mom won't let me buy a skateboard because she thinks that I'm turning into a punk. I wear skating clothes and I listen to punk music. I am kind of punk but not totally, and I'd like to know what my mom thinks is so bad about turning into a punk?

Hey Punkerchic,
There's nothing wrong with having a skateboard or being a punk � but you and your mom likely have different visions of what a punk is, and what [KWLINK 3621[b]a skater is. Your mom seems to think that kids who skateboard are punks and that being a punk isn't desirable. You see, back in the 1970s, when punk music started, there were some punks who did things which your mom probably doesn't want you doing (like puking all over yourself, doing massive amounts of drugs and starting riots). Punk music is a big part of skateboard culture, which is why your mom may be concerned about you having a skateboard. You need to explain to your mom that dressing like a punk or having a skateboard doesn't mean you want to get involved with drugs or other bad behavior.

Skateboarding is a healthy and safe sport that's done by millions of kids around the world. Skateboarding helps kids develop co-ordination, think creatively, build confidence and stay physically and mentally active. Ask you mom what she thinks you should be doing instead of skateboarding? Does your mom think jumping around in a short skirt in front of a team full of teenage boys is a better way to spend your free time? Or does she want you to sit in front of the TV and do nothing but eat cookies and chips until you have to spend your summer's at Fat Camp? See, the thing is, every hobby (from skateboarding to cheerleading) can be seen negatively.

Most parents will at least listen to a well-thought out argument from their kids - especially if its explained sincerely and respectfully. Dealing with parents around the issues of what you're allowed to wear, who you're allowed to hang out with and what activities you do takes compromise and understanding from both sides. The most important thing is for you and your mom to keep talking. Good luck and let me know how things turn out.

Do you have a question on sports like hockey, football or skateboarding? Do you need some advice on fitness, P.E. class or health? to the Kidzworld Coach. Keep in mind peeps, the Kidzworld Coach isn't a doctor or a professional athlete or anything like that. He's just a dude who digs sports, plays 'em and knows a lot about 'em. You should always talk to your 'rents, a doctor or your school gym teacher before starting a new sport or a new exercise.

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