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Upper Deck's Collectible BreaKey Dueling Keys!

Reviewed by on Dec 27, 2006
Rating: 4 Star Rating

Upper Deck, the peeps behind Yu-Gi-Oh!, Medabots and the SpongeBob SquarePands card games are releasing BreaKey collectible keys!

What's the deal with this BreaKey game? It's a game of collectible, dueling keys from the crazy peeps at Upper Deck. When they aren't busy coming out with the latest fun stuff for Yu-Gi-Oh!, Medabots or SpongeBob SquarePants they come up with wacky stuff like this. The game drops in February 2004 at a store near you and we have the 411 on it right here.

BreaKey Collectible Game Breakdown

The whole deal with BreaKey is that you can collect these multicolored plastic keys. Each key has a wacky 'toon character on it, is a different color and has a plastic tab sticking out. Once you have a few keys, you can have a 'Break-Off' against a friend. In a Break-Off, you lock two BreaKey keys together, twist 'em, and try to break the other player's tab to win.

Fun BreaKey Games

What makes these plastic keys cool? Besides being collectible, with cool colors, characters and even rarities, there are rumors about superhero-themed BreaKeys in the future. Plus, you can win Yu-Gi-Oh! stuff, video games, backpacks and more with 'em at the website. But, the absolute coolest thing about 'em is that you can use 'em to settle arguments with friends. Who gets the best seat in the theatre? Who gets the last pop? Have a BreaKey Break-Off to see!

BreaKey Key Buildings

BreaKey is kind of like LEGO. Each key has little grooves and stuff you can use to link 'em together and build stuff. So, even if your BreaKeys are all busted, you can make a Break-a-saurus rex out of 'em and chase your neighbor's cat around with it.

Broken BreaKey Collectible Keys

Breaking a BreaKey to play sounds pretty dumb doesn't it? Yeah, that's the biggest problem with the game - you're constantly breaking the BreaKeys and will need to buy more. There are a few other annoyances, like that the Battle Strap for carrying your BreaKeys is lame and the official site is a clunker to surf.

BreaKey Final Facts

The fun factor is there, but a few problems keep 'em from totally rocking. Whether you're a collector, or just want to be on top of the next big thing, they're worth checking out.

BreaKey Game Rating: 4

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