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What's Wrong With Dodge Ball?

Dec 27, 2006

So a bunch of schools and teachers around the country are getting rid of dodge ball from P.E. class. I'm sure you've played it. It's the game where you chase the other guys from class and drill them with a ball. If you hit them, they're eliminated. The winner is the last guy left. So simple and so much fun.

So why do they want to get rid of dodgeball? Well, teachers think the game encourages strong kids to pick on weak kids. They don't want kids to play any games where there is a "human target". They think it'll make kids feel bad about themselves, and they don't want anyone to feel like they're a "loser". What the heck is that? What fun is a game if there are no winners or losers? Half the fun of winning is rubbing it in the other guys face afterwards (as long as you don't go overboard.) And it's not like you're firing bullets at each other. You're only chasing each other around with a rubber ball. Do they really think kids are a bunch of wusses? Gimme a break! Pretty soon they'll be getting rid of tag and football and replacing it with a bunch of lame crap like lawn bowling and jump rope.

Dodge ball will also be the featured sport in the movie Dodgeball starring Ben Stiller which comes out in June 2004. If teachers want to get rid of anything, they should get rid of fractions in math class or all that stupid "spelling stuff" in English.

Is dodge ball a dangerous game, where you can get hurt? Or are some schools going too far? What do you think? Tell Kidzworld below what you think about dodgeball!

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