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Weight Training Tips

Dec 27, 2006

Looking to increase your strength and get in shape? Kidzworld has some tips for getting started in weight training.

Weight Training - Health Benefits

Weight or strength training is a great way to improve your flexibility, endurance and physical and mental strength. If done properly, weight training is also a good way to prevent injuries by protecting your bones and joints. Weight training can help improve performance in most sports and physical activities, including football, basketball, skateboarding and dancing.

Weight Training - Getting Started

  • Most people who work out with weights usually use two different kinds: free weights, which include barbells and dumbbells, and weight machines. Machines often help you work on a specific muscle, while free weights usually work a group of muscles at the same time.
  • ALWAYS talk to your P.E. teacher or coach before you start a weight training progra. Learn proper lifting techniques and what sorts of stretches you should be doing before lifting.
  • Whenever you lift weights, ALWAYS make sure there is someone else around to supervise or spot you. A spotter can let you know if you're lifting a weight properly, can encourage you and help you with a weight that's too heavy.
  • Don't workout with weights more than three times a week.

Weight Training - Things To Watch

  • Start out slowly. Your bones and joints are still growing, so it's easy to strain or damage them if you start lifting too much too fast. If something doesn't feel right or if you hurt yourself, talk to your doctor or coach. You may have to change your weight training routine or take a break.
  • Watch out for steroids. Anabolic steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs are used by athletes in many sports - but they can be very dangerous. Steroid use has been linked to several health problems including cancer and heart disease. Resist the urge to try them - it's not worth it.
  • Try other forms of exercise such as running, swimming or playing basketball to get your heart and lungs going. Weight training shouldn't be your only form of exercise.
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