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July 2005 Horoscopes (pg. 2)

Dec 27, 2006



September 23 - October 23
School's been out for a few weeks now, so it's the perfect time to throw a backyard BBQ! Find out what your friends have been up to and catch up on all the latest gossip about who's-dating-who and who-dumped-who. And remember to invite everyone since you don't want to be excluded from any upcoming parties.



October 24 - November 22
You've saved up a lot of moola, and now that extra cash is burning a hole in your pocket - but be careful how you spend it. Rushing out and buying the first thing that catches your eye is definitely not a good idea. Instead, shop around and wait for a sale cuz those jeans you've been dying for will soon be marked down.



November 23 - December 21
You're dealing with some pretty serious issues, and hiding out in your shell isn't gonna help. Instead, try chasing the ice cream truck down the street, soaring high on the playground swings and attempting a few cartwheels. Who cares if you fall and who cares what anyone thinks? What matters is that you're now having fun!



December 22 - January 20
We know that your idea of a fun night doesn't include playing patty cake with your little sis, but that's exactly what you need - to spend some quality time with the fam. That doesn't mean you have to ditch your friends, but they'll understand your need to just veg at home for a few nights this month.


January 21 - February 19
Isn't it amazing what a little hard work can do? All those nightly ab sessions have paid off and you've scored a beach-worthy bod - way to go! Now all you have to do is find yourself the perfect swimsuit and flip flops...


February 20 - March 20
At first, you were totally stoked about your full-time job because you could finally afford to buy that iPOD you were drooling over, but now you just feel like you're missing out on the fun with friends. So tell them! Stop being so closed-up about your feelings - you'll be amazed at how speaking up about small things can make a big difference.

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