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Quiz The Coach - I'm Afraid Of Falling

Reviewed by on Dec 27, 2006
Rating: 1 Star Rating

Quiz the coach helps teens and tweens with sports and fitness related issues and problems like obesity, asthma, healthy eating questions, skateboard tricks and cheerleading tips.

So ya dig sports but need some help with your game? Don't understand some of the rules of football, basketball or hockey? Got a gripe about P.E. class, skateboarders, cheerleading, coaches, or anything? Why not ?

1Hey Coach,
I am a cheerleader and I find it really scary when I am up on top of my bases. Can you tell me some tips on how not to be scared?

Hey rhianne123456789,
Having confidence in both your teammates and yourself is the most important part of being a cheerleader, especially a flyer. Your fears may be caused by a lack of confidence or trust either in yourself or with your bases. Learning to trust your bases is a good way to overcome your fear - but it can be difficult to have this trust when your 15 feet above the ground. You have to believe that if you fall, your bases will be right there to back you up and catch you. A good exercise in building this trust is to try having a base stand a few feet behind you as you fall back into their arms without bending your legs. This exercise will teach you to give up control and trust them to catch you.

Another way to overcome your fears is by simply doing the thing that scares you, over and over again. The more you do something you're scared of, the easier it will become. If you have learned the basic skills needed to master your stunts and you have trust in your bases, then you'll be fine. It can difficult to have this trust when your 15 feet above the ground - but if you visualize yourself doing the perfect stunt, you really will succeed. If you allow yourself to be scared, you'll sell yourself and your teammates short. Good luck!

Do you need tips or advice on sports, fitness or health? to the Kidzworld Coach. Keep in mind peeps, the Kidzworld Coach isn't a doctor or a professional athlete or anything like that. He's just a dude who digs sports, plays 'em and knows a lot about 'em. You should always talk to your 'rents, a doctor or your school gym teacher before starting a new sport or a new exercise.

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