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Jennifer Love Hewitt Biography

Dec 27, 2006

Birthdate: February 21, 1979
Birthplace: Waco, Texas

Jennifer Love Hewitt's Name Game

Jennifer's older brother, Todd Hewitt, gave her the first name "Jennifer" when he was only eight years old. He chose that name because he had a crush on a little blond girl named Jennifer. Jennifer Love Hewitt's mother, a speech pathologist, was the one who selected the middle name "Love." When Jennifer Love Hewitt was only six months old, her parents separated and she moved with her mother to Killeen, Texas.

Cowgirl, Jennifer Love Hewitt

Jennifer Love Hewitt, being a real lil' Texan, made her debut performance at age three when she sang at a livestock show. Two years later, Jennifer Love was immersed in jazz, tap, and ballet lessons. Hewitt later joined the Texas Show Team and went with them on a tour through the former Soviet Union and Europe. On the advice of professionals in the entertainment business, Jennifer Love Hewitt moved to Los Angeles with her mother when she was 10. Hewitt quickly found commercial work and a role on Disney's Kids Incorporated.

Jennifer Love Hewitt, Scream Queen

Jennifer Love Hewitt's biggest break came when she snagged the role of Sarah on the '90s Fox drama, Party of Five. Her success on that show lead to starring roles in screaming hits like, I Know What You Did Last Summer and I Still Know What You Did Last Summer. Jennifer Love was so popular that she was even offered her own show, Time of Your Life, on Fox. It was canned pretty early on, but Jennifer Love Hewitt kept on making movies - and singing. Jennifer Love Hewitt's first CD is called Barenaked. In 2001, Hewitt did a movie called Heartbreakers in which she finally got to play a "bad girl."

Jennifer Love Hewitt - Did U Know?

  • Jennifer Love Hewitt's fave foods include strawberries and whipped cream, mushroom pizza and chocolate.
  • Jennifer Love Hewitt dumped TRL host Carson Daly by announcing it to the press instead of telling him directly.
  • Jennif Love Hewitt's friends call her Love.

Jennifer Love Hewitt Says...

"I would just love, once, to be called sexy. Just because it would make me something other than cute."

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