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Araminta Spookie: Book 1 and 2 Book Review

Reviewed by on Dec 27, 2006
Rating: 5 Star Rating

Angie Sage, author of the Septimus Heap series, is back with a new set of books. Check out Kidzworlds review of the Araminta Spookie series!

Title: Araminta Spookie
Author: Angie Sage
Ages: 8+
Rating: 5

Angie Sage, author of the Septimus Heap series, is back with a brand new fictional hero - Araminta Spookie. Find out if this new set of books is worth checking out!

My Haunted House

The first book in the Araminta Spookie series introduces you to the ghost-obsessed Araminta, a young girl who lives with her aunt and uncle in a spooky old house. Araminta has dreamt of finding a ghost in the creepy, old mansion but she's never had much luck. One day, her aunt decides that she's had enough of the house and puts it up for sale. Araminta is devastated and gets ready to pull out all the stops to scare away potential buyers - they can't move before she even finds one ghost!

The Bottom Line

As Araminta hatches her spooky plan, the ghosts who really do haunt her house finally reveal themselves and are ready to help her with her frightening mission. Araminta Spookie: My Haunted House is a much simpler read than either of the Septimus Heap books, but it still has the same Angie Sage flavor that makes readers fall under her literary spell. It's the perfect book to read to younger sibs or as a quick afternoon read on a rainy day.

The Sword in the Grotto

With the help of her new ghostly friends (Sir Horace and Edmund), Araminta was able to save her beloved home - and even gained family members. Wendy Wizzard and her parents now live with Araminta, Aunt Tabby and Uncle Drac, which means Araminta has a new companion to explore her spooky kingdom with her.

The Bottom Line

When Araminta and Wendy take a trek through the secret passageway, they stumble across Sir Horace's birth certificate and realize that he will soon be turning 500! Both girls want to surprise him with a great present for his birthday so they decide on an old sword they find buried deep in the grotto of the house. Too bad they didn't anticipate the obstacles they would encounter in the dark! Another great, quick read, especially for Angie Sage fans.

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