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Septimus Heap: Flyte Book Review

Reviewed by on Dec 27, 2006
Rating: 5 Star Rating

Flyte is the second book in the Septimus Heap fantasy series by author, Angie Sage. Find out if Book Two is as good as the first, Magyk.

Title: Septimus Heap #2: Flyte
Author: Angie Sage
Ages: 9+
Rating: 5

The magic is back with book two in the Septimus Heap fantasy series. The first book, Magyk, uncovered that the seventh son of the seventh son, Septimus Heap, was still alive and well and the evil Darke wizard, DomDaniel was destroyed. Now, a year later, Septimus is the Apprentice to the ExtraOrdinary wizard and has been reunited with his real family. Find out what's next in Septimus' adventure with Book Two: Flyte!

Good Conquers Evil

Since the last Septimus Heap book, good magic has once again taken over the Castle and Wizard Tower since DomDaniel was overthrown. Or was he? There still is something sinister in the air and Marcia Overstrand, the new ExtraOrdinary Wizard, is being followed by a Darke Shadow. Septimus, Marcia's Apprentice, is doing his best to help Marcia rid the Castle of all Darke magic, but the task may prove to be a lot harder than either of them imagined.

Defective Heap

While things have been quiet for the past year, that's about to change! Septimus' oldest brother, Simon, took off last year when he realized that Septimus was still alive and would be taking the ExtraOrdinary Wizard Apprenticeship. In the past year, Simon has aligned himself with DomDaniel, and has been helping the Darke Wizard to slowly come back to life. But, if DomDaniel hopes to regain power of the Castle, something must be done with the young princess - AKA Jenna, the Heap's adoptive daughter!

Royal Kidnapping

Simon manages to ride straight into the Castle and steal Jenna away without alarming anyone - other than Septimus that is. The Heaps see no cause for concern when Simon takes Jenna for a ride on his horse, but little do they know, Simon has no intention of bringing her back. Now it's up to Septimus to bring her back before something terrible happens to her! But does Septimus have enough magic powers to take on DomDaniel and his big brother?

The Bottom Line

If you're a fantasy fan, the Septimus Heap book series is definitely one you should check out. There's magic, mystery and evil plots to uncover. If you're thinking that Septimus Heap is just another cheap Harry Potter imitation, you're wrong - it's a unique story that'll pull you in right away!

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