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Sindy's Blog - April 26, 2007

Apr 26, 2007

April 26, 2007

School's been going so smoothly lately that the last thing I expected to happen was to find out that my friend Melody is pregnant! I knew that she was getting serious with her boyfriend, but I had no clue she'd had sex with him. She's only 14 and she hasn't told anyone except her BF and a few of her friends. I think she's in complete shock.

I've never had to deal with information like this! Melody told me not to say a word to anyone, but I feel like she could use some help from someone a bit more qualified than me. I don't want to rat her out or anything, but this is such a crazy thing to deal with - she can't just pretend it's not happening and hope it goes away.

Melody's boyfriend, Sam, isn't taking things so well. He's 16 and the captain of the basketball team. I get that he's freaking out, but it's just as much his problem as it is hers. I definitely don't envy what they're going through. While I'm stressing about my biology project that's due next week, Melody and Sam are stressing about breaking this baby news to their parents! So crazy.

I guess I'll give Melody a bit of time to figure out her game plan before running to the first authority figure I can find to fill them in. I may talk to my mom about it. I think I can trust her to keep a secret... at least until Melody's ready to face this thing on her own. I just really think she could use someone more experienced to confide in.

I don't know - what do you guys think? Should I talk to someone about Melody or just let her sort it out on her own? Have any of you had to deal with someone you know getting pregnant? Any advice you have would be sooo helpful!

Peace Out,

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