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Kirsten Prout Interview (pg. 2)

Jun 05, 2007

Sindy: So what sort of interests do you have outside of acting?
Kirsten Prout: Just being a teenager and finding time to spend with my friends. Just being 16. A lot of the time, I can't go to school dances and things. If I have a night off, I really just want to get together with my closest friends and go shopping, or see movies.

Sindy: How do your friends feel about your success?
Kirsten Prout: They've sort of grown up with me doing it, so they don't really take much notice of it. It's just my job, it's not me as a person and they're really great at not defining me by my profession.

Sindy: So other than your own, what are your favorite TV shows?
Kirsten Prout: Oh man, I am a total Lost fan and when Arrested Development was on I totally loved that show. I was so sad to see it go. Can you believe they cancelled it?

Sindy: I know! What advice would you give to other kids who are interested in pursuing acting?
Kirsten Prout: I would definitely take into account that acting takes a lot of time to get into at first. So make sure you're very dedicated and that you're able to give a lot of time to it.

  • Click here to find out how Kirsten got her start in acting, and what to expect from the latest season of Kyle XY.
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