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Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Game: Force of the Breaker Set Review

Reviewed by on Jun 07, 2007
Rating: 4 Star Rating

Unleash the new crystal beast monsters and combos with the Force of the Breaker set for the Yu-Gi-Oh! card game. We review it.

Yu-Gi-Oh! duelists, brace yourself for the power of the new Force of the Breaker set for the Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game! It has 60 new cards that come in nine-card booster packs with a rare card in every pack. The set is full of gem beast cards, new combo cards for the samurai warriors, elemental hero cards, spells, traps and more. Gary has the 411 on these new cards for Yu-Gi-Oh! card game with his review!

Yu-Gi-Oh! Force of the Breaker - Cards and Combos

There are two big things in this set, plus a bunch of cards that combo with old decks! Here's what's up.
  • Crystal Beasts - When these seven new monsters are destroyed they go to your Spell/Trap zone and can [KWLINK ]power-up[/KWLINK] other cards!
  • Volcano Cards - These new monsters and cards let you damage your opponent's Life Points directly, but then you can't attack that turn!
  • Samurai - The samurai from the Strike of Neos set get even more cards to power them up!
  • Sky Scourge Enrise/Norleras - Two powerful Sky Scourge monsters have arrived to kick butt and chew bubblegum.
  • Old Combos - From Elemental Heroes to Necrovalley, Harpie Sisters and other old deck themes, there are more cards for each in this set.
  • Yu-Gi-Oh! Force of the Breaker - Crystal Power!

    The new crystal beast cards are cool and they combo with a bunch of other cards in this set to make a decent deck for new players. The new samurai cards are solid too, especially the one that lets you summon all the samurai at once for a massive attack! Finally, the new cards that help out with old decks are great for Yu-Gi-Oh! duelists that have been playing for a while.

    Yu-Gi-Oh! Force of the Breaker - Broken Glass

    The biggest bummer in this set is the volcano cards - the only way to use their abilities is to not attack, or to discard a bunch of cards. It makes it really hard to win, unless you get the awesome Volcanic Doomfire monster!

    Yu-Gi-Oh! Force of the Breaker - Powerful or Pathetic?

    The Force of the Breaker set has something for new players and for old players. The cards aren't all terrific, but with two new deck concepts and lots of power-ups for older decks, you'll get something you can have fun with in every booster pack!

    Yu-Gi-Oh! Force of the Breaker Thumbs Up:

  • Crystal Beasts = cool deck.
  • More cards to power up decks from Elemental Heroes to Samurai and more!
  • Volcanic Doomfire and the Sky Scourges, huge monsters rock!
  • Yu-Gi-Oh! Force of the Breaker Thumbs Down:

  • The volcano cards are weak.
  • The replacements for powerful old cards are ho-hum.
  • Force of the Breaker Rating: 4

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