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Tube Talk

Reviewed by on Dec 27, 2006
Rating: 4 Star Rating

Everybodys got a TV show that they just cant miss. Whether its a comedy, a drama or a cartoon - there is one show youll never ever miss. Find out which show is a must-see for Jimmy and Chi.

The Simpsons

Everybody's got a TV show that they just can't miss. Whether it's a comedy, a drama or a cartoon - there is one show you'll never ever miss. Find out which show is a must-see for Jimmy and Chi.

My favorite show is The Simpsons. The main characters are Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa and Maggie. They are very funny and sometimes Homer acts stupid. Lisa is the smartest of the whole family.

The family stuggles to become rich. Every time they get rich Homer spends all the money on stupid things like candy and sometimes he uses the money on games.


Kidz Submit By:

Nickname: Jimmy
Age: 11


My favorite TV show is Pokemon because some Pokemon are cool and some are so cute. It is very funny when Team Rocket always get beaten by a Pokemon and blast off. I like it when Ash catches new Pokemon but it is very sad when Ash gives a Pokemon away.

My subsitute teacher has the same name as Blaine the Gym Leader. My favorite Pokemon is Dragonite. I have over a hundred Pokemon cards.


Kidz Submit By:
Age: 11

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