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Quotes - Musicians on The Music Biz

Reviewed by on Dec 27, 2006
Rating: 1 Star Rating

Who does Jessica Simpson wish people would stop comparing her to? What does Moby think about himself and what does Garbages Shirley Manson have to say about *NSYNC? Click ahead to find out...

Who does Jessica Simpson wish people would stop comparing her to? What does Moby think about himself and what does Garbage's Shirley Manson have to say about *NSYNC? Find out what some artists, celebrity pop stars and rockers have to say about the music biz, other artists and their careers.

1"I've been working so hard, I'm about to have a Mariah Carey."

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1"I'm just a little, insignificant bald guy." ~ Moby.

1"*NSYNC have become Andy Warhol's tomato-soup can. And I can buy into why people dig it." ~ Shirley Manson of Garbage.

1"A minor is one of my all-time favorite keys to play in. It's a very moody key, and also A is the first letter of my name. It just represents the songs through my eyes." ~ Alicia Keys on the title of her CD.

1"Pop music tells you that everything is OK and rock music tells you that it's not, but that you can change it." ~ U2's Bono.

1"I would love for the time to come where somebody can talk about me and not have to talk about Britney and Christina in the same sentence. We're really, really different."
~ Jessica Simpson.

1"If you're going to make it in the entertainment business, you need a do-or-die attitude. There are no alternatives."
~ Jennifer Lopez.

1"Even my mom is calling me Shaggy now, which is weird, because Shaggy is more like a character that I play." ~ Shaggy.

1"By the time we are seniors, and there's a fourth album out, we're going to be highly respected." ~ O-Town's Erik-Michael Estrada.

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