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Yu-Gi-Oh :: How to Build a Killer Deck

Mar 10, 2016

Everybody wants to have a fast, dynamic, and unbeatable Yu-Gi-Oh deck that can lay waste to their opponents in a few rounds, or in a single turn even! There are some important ground rules that you must understand and follow if you want to build a killer deck. This guide will show you the basics and throw in some suggestions but, ultimately, it is up to you to use your own imagination and creativity in making the deck.

But first, one of the most important deck building rule you should follow:


This includes Blue Eyes White Dragon. Is your favorite card a yellow colored one? Sorry, but you will have to keep it out of your deck if you want to have a good deck. Effect Monsters can do everything a Normal Monster card can and give you a bonus ability. All the decks used in tournaments and by the pros contain only effect monster cards. Using a normal monster card is just a waste of space in your deck.

More rules to follow:

It is important that you can rely on your deck to give you the cards that you want. This does not means you should throw in every random card that you think is good. Rather, it means finding the few cards that are really good and putting in as many copies of that card as allowed by the rules.

40 cards, no more
Following that train of thought, you want to be able to draw the necessary cards more often. This is why you need to reduce the number of cards in your deck to the bare minimum. This way, you are more likely to get the card you want because there are less of the cards you don't want in your deck.

Click Here to read more about making a killer deck!

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