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The Amazing Spider-Man Ultimate Edition: Wii U Game Review

Reviewed by on Apr 29, 2013
Rating: 3 Star Rating

Peter Parkers story continues in the video game! If you liked the movie, see what happens next in the game!

The Amazing Spider-Man already came out for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 last year. However, the Ultimate Edition was just recently released only for the Wii U. It features all the DLC packs that you normally would have to buy and download separately. It also makes use of the Wii U's gamepad.

The Story Continues

The Amazing Spider-Man: Ultimate Edition picks up a few months after the events of the movie. Peter Parker and Gwen Stacy find out that Oscorp is continuing with the cross-species experiments that turned Curt Connors into the villain Lizard in the movie. The cross-species escape the laboratories and go on a rampage all over the city. To make matters worse, they are infecting people with the cross-species virus, turning people into crazed cross-species as well! It's up to Spider-Man to save day, with the help of some familiar faces.


The Ultimate Edition

Included in the Ultimate Edition is the downloadable content missions involving Rhino and Lizard. Also featured in the Ultimate Edition is support for the Wii U's gamepad. With it, you can access a map, which is helpful since you can web-swing anywhere in the city. You can also turn off your TV and play the whole game on the gamepad!

Overall, the game is fairly decent. You can explore the city however you like and do side missions or follow the story from beginning to end. Web-swinging across the city is one of the most satisfying things to experience and the combat in the game is not bad either. If you have not yet play The Amazing Spider-Man and you are looking for something to do on your Wii U, this game might just be your ticket until next year's movie.


Price: $59.99

Age: T for Teen

Have Your Say!

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