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Glee: Season 4, Episode 21 :: Wonder-ful

May 03, 2013

This week on Glee (Season 4, Episode 21) the New Directions honor Stevie Wonder as they prepare for regionals! Find out more in the Kidzworld Recap of "Wonder-ful" which aired May 2nd, 2013.

Shady Characters

Three of the graduates - Mike, Mercedes and Kurt - return to help the glee club prepare for regionals in this overly corny episode. Mercedes is excited about her upcoming album release. But when her shady publicist insists that she take a sexier photo for her album cover, Mercedes stands her ground and refuses, ultimately losing the deal. 

A Bold Move

Meanwhile, Kurt's return from New York is less about helping his old classmates and more about learning the results of his father's invasive cancer treatment. After a lot of stress, they receive good news: he's in remission! Blaine wants to make a bold move to win Kurt back. So he asks Kurt's dad, Burt, for permission to propose, eager now that gay people are allowed to marry. But Burt denies him, offering some wise words from the prospective of a married man.

Fearing the Future

The seniors are starting to receive responses to their college applications. Artie gets accepted to a film school in New York, but tells Kitty that his mother doesn't want him to go. In a rare act of kindness (or intrusion), Kitty goes straight to Artie's mom and finds out the truth: Artie is the one who's afraid to move away, especially when his mom turned her life upside down to help Artie after his accident.

The Exam

Kate Hudson finally returns this episode, seemingly trying to botch Rachel's callback for "Funny Girl." She reschedules Rachel's exam for the following morning (because the actual exam is during the callback) with what seems like the intent on making Rachel fail. But in a surprising twist of events, this "exam" turns out to be a party for Rachel in honor of her callback. 

Have Your Say

Do you think Rachel will get the part in "Funny Girl"? Tell us in our comment section below!