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Yu-Gi-Oh! and Medabots :: Trading Cards!

Reviewed by on Dec 27, 2006
Rating: 1 Star Rating

Kidzworld has the latest news on the Yu-Gi-Oh! Labyrinth of Nightmare collectible card game expansion set and the Medabot Trading Card Game.

If you're a card game player, you know about the Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game where you duel other players with your summoned shadow monsters to prove who is the ultimate duelist. You might also know about the new Medabot Trading Card Game where you control your very own Medabot robot and have fierce Robattles against other Medabots. Here's the latest news on these cool, collectible card games!

The Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game is kicking butt, taking names and releasing more cool cards all the time. Coming out in February 2003 is the hot, new Yu-Gi-Oh! Labyrinth of Nightmare card set. If you're looking for the latest and greatest in cool cards, combos and strategies - it's the set for you. You won't find any boring monsters in Labyrinth of Nightmare, it's a 103 card set that's full of more Magic, Trap and Effect Monster cards than any other set. It's all about making awesome card combos to kick butt!

Medabots Trading Card Game

1Hey Gary,
I got the scoop on the new Yu-Gi-Oh! Labyrinth of Nightmare starter decks. They should be coming around during March 2003. The decks are Joey and Pegasus. The top cards are Red Eyes Black Dragon for Joey and Relinquished for Pegasus. They should both cost about the same.

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Nickname: Gamestuh911
Age: 12

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