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The Biggest News from May 2019's PlayStation State of Play

What's next for the PS4?

May 13, 2019

By: Max Cannon

PlayStation has decided to skip E3 in 2019, so the biggest company in video games needs some way to get out their biggest pieces of news. So, starting a few weeks back, Sony revealed their first State of Play video which crams a handful of sizable announcements into one package. While the first video didn't exactly light the world on fire, this second one has done a much better job at leaving an impression and showing us some stuff worth getting excited for. Here are some of the best announcements from this latest wave of information. 

The long-awaited remake closed out the quick video.The long-awaited remake closed out the quick video.Courtesy of PlayStation

Monster Hunter World's Big Expansion

Monster Hunter World took the world by storm when the latest in this long running series finally hit current generation consoles in January 2018. Though the base game was packed to the brim with things to do and creatures to hunt, Capcom made it clear that this was just the tip of the iceberg,pun intended. Their latest update, Iceborne, was first announced toward the end of last year but we didn't get a look at what players could expect from this new adventure until this State of Play.

Monster Hunter World: Iceborne seems larger than your standard add-on.Monster Hunter World: Iceborne seems larger than your standard add-on.

Obviously bringing new monsters into the mix was a given, but this new winter-y setting is bringing a meaty-looking story along with it. Monster Hunter World: Iceborne is coming to PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on September 6th and an undeterminded time soonafter for Steam users. 

Return to MediEvil this Halloween

It's pretty likely that you have no clue about MediEvil considering it originally came out for the PlayStation way back in the 90s. This classic PlayStation exclusive's most modern claim-to-fame is featuring the main character, Sir Dan, in the PS3 Super Smash Bros. knockoff titled PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale. MediEvil puts you in control of a knight returning from the dead to take care of some unfinished business.

MediEvil rises from the grave of the original PlayStation.MediEvil rises from the grave of the original PlayStation.Courtesy of PlayStation

Well, this niche series is returning from the dead itself with a PlayStation 4 remake that'll be affordably priced at $29.99, half the price of most brand new games coming from Sony. Planned to release just in time for Halloween, MediEvil will be hitting store shelves October 25, 2019. If you're the type of person to want to secure their games pretty early than you can pre-order it now on the PlayStation Store. 

A True Classic

Though MediEvil may not ring any bells, there's a good chance you're familiar with the legacy of Final Fantasy VII which also kicked off as a PS1 exclusive. Well this remake has been anticipated before it was even announced way back in 2015. The latest trailer gave the impresstion that the game was actually closer to being done than expected and looked a bit different than it was back during the reveal, but just a bit for better and for worse. The most exciting part? It ended by saying that we could expect more about the game in June, I'd put my money on a release date announcement soon and hopefully a relatively quick one. Fingers crossed that we're playing the game sometime this year.

State of Play - May 9, 2019 | PlayStation


If you're looking to see all of the announcementss, both big and small, check out the full State of Play in the video above!

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