While the Rampage of the Super Warriors [kwlink]expansion[/kwlink] for the Duel Masters TCG is getting closer, Kidzworld has more info on the [kwlink]upcoming cards[/kwlink]! Check out this sneak peek at the Boomerang Comet card.
Duel Masters TCG - Own the Zone!
Do you know how to
own the zone? If you're a [kwlink]Duel Masters[/kwlink] newbie and need the 411 on this [kwlink]rockin' card game[/kwlink], check out Kidzworld's [kwlink]Duel Masters TCG Review[/kwlink] for the facts. Then, get back here for the [kwlink]preview[/kwlink] of what's comin' up!
Duel Masters TCG - Rampage of the Super Warriors Sneak Peek
Our [kwlink]sneak peek[/kwlink] into the future this week is the
Boomerang Comet card from the
Light civilization. Light cards are the masters of defense - they have blockers galore to shut down your opponent's [kwlink]monsters[/kwlink] and let you attack on your own terms. Click on this card to see a wicked shield trigger effect card:
Boomerang Comet |
Boomerang Comet
Type: Light
Cost: 6
Shield Trigger
Return a card from the mana zone to your hand.
After you cast this spell, put it into your mana zone instead of your graveyard.
Duel Masters TCG - Rampage Sneak Peek Card Breakdown
Did you check it out? It's one of the best shield trigger cards ever. But, what do you do if you draw it? If you draw it late in the [kwlink]game[/kwlink] it's an awesome way to recover a gigantic monster you dropped into mana early on. In the mid-game it's a tough call on how to use it so it's up to your Kaijudo skills to determine what to do with it. If you draw it in the first few turns though, drop it into mana cuz it's not much use early on.
Duel Masters TCG - More Card Sneak Peeks!
Think that's cool? Check out info on these other cards at Duel Masters sites:
Angler Cluster (Water) - www.duelmastersn.com.
Flametropus (Fire) - at www.dmprofile.net.
Ghastly Drain (Darkness) - at www.dmgamer.com.
Raging Dash-Horn (Nature) - www.duelmasters.com.
Duel Masters: Rampage of the Super Warriors Set Sneak Peeks:
[kwlink]Baraga, Blade of Gloom[/kwlink]
[kwlink]Snip Striker Bullraizer[/kwlink]
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