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Simon's Blog - September 27, 2005

Dec 27, 2006

September 27, 2005

80. That's the magic number of days until winter vacation starts. It also happens to be the mark I need to get on my next science test if I'm going to avoid showing my parents a shiny "D" on my fall report card. If you haven't figured it out yet - my school year hasn't got off to the best start. I've been spending more time sitting in detention than skateboarding and even more time arguing with my parents about why they keep getting phone calls from the principal.

The latest phone call to the 'rents came after my friend Ben and I used our science text books and a food tray to build a skate ramp in the cafeteria. It was totally rad. Too bad we were only able to use if for about 5 minutes before one of the loser hall monitors told a teacher who directed us right to the principal. He gave us both detention for a week and took my skateboard! What a butt munch!

My parents then grounded me for a week and cancelled my allowance for a month. I tried to convince them that this latest incident was connected to my dyslexia because I have problems reading school rules - but they weren't buying it. They just got even more mad. Anyway, I better go use my science textbook for something other than a skate ramp - I'm guessing a "D" on next month's report card won't be looked upon too favorably.

How's your school year going so far?


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