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Ape Escape: Monkey Mania on the Playstation, PS2 and PSP! (pg. 2)

Reviewed by on Dec 27, 2006
Rating: 5 Star Rating

Get the scoop on all the Ape Escape video games, right here!

The monkeys don't know when to quit, not even the super-smart ones! Every time the evil genius albino monkey, Specter, gets his hands on a Peak Point Helmet he's off to take over the world again. His latest attempts have been on the Playstation 2 and Sony PSP. Check out the 411 on 'em right here!

Ape Escape: On the Loose for the PSP

Ape Escape video games for the Sony Playstation, PS2, and PSP.2005 was a busy year for Specter and his horde of monkeys! Their second attempt at taking over the world was on the Sony PSP. It's just the original Ape Escape Playstation game crammed into Sony's super-cool PSP handheld, but it's still a solid game. The ape-catchin' action is great for when you're on the go and the only bummer is that the controls are a bit tricky.
Ape Escape: On the Loose Rating: 4

Ape Escape Academy for the PSP

Ape Escape video games for the Sony Playstation, PS2, and PSP. Specter got sick of his plans for world domination being thwarted by incompetent minions so he sent his monkeys back to minion school! With no heroes, and wireless multiplayer for up to four players, this game is all about you putting Specter's monkeys through basic training with 45 different mini-games. Unfortunately, a lot of the games are ho-hum and have long load times. That and the limited multiplayer action makes this Ape Escape game the low monkey on the totem pole.
Ape Escape Academy Rating: 3

Ape Escape 3 for the PS2

Ape Escape video games for the Sony Playstation, PS2, and PSP. Specter's back in 2006 and he has an afro-totin' human partner! The diabolical duo grab a horde of monkeys, take over TV and crank out brain-draining television shows to turn all us humans into couch zombies so they can take over the world. Spike gets zotted by the TV so it's up to Kei and Yumi to team up and capture all the monkeys with hordes of crazy gadgets, including awesome transformation powers that let you become ninjas, knights and more! Click here for our full review on how much this game rocks.
Ape Escape 3 Rating: 5

  • Click Here for the 411 on the early Ape Escape video games!

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