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Top Five Movies to Kick Off the NFL Season

Sep 06, 2007

The NFL season is gearing up, and there's no better way to get yourself in the football zone (err.. or is that 'end zone'?) than with these classic football flicks.

#5. Football Movies - We Are Marshall

Starring Matthew McConaughey and [KWLINK ]Matthew Fox[/KWLINK], this film follows the real-life story of a plane crash that killed Marshall University football players and the school's struggle to rebuild the team. This movie's a bit of a tear-jerker, but it really reminds you that football is about more than big salaries and touchdown dances - it's about teamwork and overcoming the odds.

#4. Football Movies - The Waterboy

In this classic football comedy, Adam Sandler plays a socially inept waterboy whose football-hating mom bullies him, which leads him to have some serious outbursts! When Adam's character, Bobby Boucher, learns to channel his anger into football, he becomes the team's star player. This must-watch comedy puts the fun back in football!

#3. Football Movies - Invincible

Mark Wahlberg and Greg Kinnear star in this football flick, which was inspired by a true story. The Disney movie tells the story of a substitute teacher's rise from the stands to the pros. It's an inspiring story about the power of perseverance on - and off - the field.

#2. Football Movies - Remember the Titans

Set in the '70s, this flick stars Denzel Washington, Hayden Panettiere, and Kate Bosworth in a story about a black coach hired for a newly integrated high school football team. This is a heart-warming story about the power of football to help overcome racial tensions.

#1 Football Movies - Friday Night Lights

The pressure to win is overwhelming when a football scholarship seems to be your only way out of poverty. In this movie - starring Billy Bob Thornton - coach Gary Gaines sets out to show his players there is more to winning than the final score of the game. It's an inspirational story of integrity and overcoming the odds.

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