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Get Involved in Sports This Year!

Aug 25, 2015

The best way to get over your back to school blues is getting involved in sports! Kidzworld helps you break down what fall sport is right for you!

Cross Country

If you love to be outside and run, cross country might be the sport for you. Cross country is the perfect choice for those of you who are interested seeing individual results. More so than a team sport, cross country measures success by time. Although you are racing against other people, you are technically racing against yourself and your previous times. There is no greater feeling than breaking your top time. It makes all the hard work and long runs worth it. This sport is also a good way to push your limitations, set goals, stay in excellent shape and meet people. It is always good to have a jogging buddy and someone who you can compare your level with.

How to get involved: If you are entering high school all you have to do is sign up. But if you are younger than that, you can call your local rec centers to see if they have a program set up.


Football should be on the top of your list if you like to get roughed up a little bit. Football is a contact sport so you'll get your bumps and bruises along the way, but you will become tougher and that will help build your confidence and self esteem. You will learn the importance of teamwork and how to play a role on a team. Football teammates are like brothers so you will meet plenty of buddies who will be loyal to you and have your back. If you enjoy being around your buddies, then you'll enjoy football. Plus all the chicks dig football players!

How to get involved: Although a lot of elementary and Jr. High schools may not have their own team, there are plenty of rec and Pop Warner teams out there. Typically training and practice start in the summer but most of the time you will be able to join the team in the fall.

Girls Soccer

Soccer is a great way to stay in shape and build a sisterhood right as school is about to start. When you are on the soccer team you will feel like you are a part of something. Your back to school blues will quickly disappear when you are playing a fun sport with all your fave gal pals. Soccer is a good way to stay in tip-top shape and keep your body toned. Plus you get to enjoy the outdoors every day before the snow and winter roll around.

How to get involved: Soccer is one of the most popular sports for kids and teens. Most likely your school, church or rec center will have leagues to join. If you are in high school, you will have to try out for the team. But even if you don't make it, there are plenty of rec leagues you can sign up for!

Girls SoccerGirls SoccerCourtesy of Niagara United Soccer Club
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