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Ben 10 Ultimate Alien: Cosmic Destruction :: Ultimate Alien Reveal!

Jun 06, 2010

Unleash Ben's ultimate alien heroes to take out enemy alien threats! Transform into Ultimate Spidermonkey and other Ultimate alien heroes in Ben 10 Ultimate Alien: Cosmic Destruction!!

Ben 10 Ultimate Alien: Cosmic DestructionCourtesy of D3Publisher

Ultiamte Alien Reveal:

Ultimate Spidermonkey

No Ultimate form is as different from the original as Ultimate Spidermonkey. In addition to being very agile, he now has super-strength and shoots a more powerful webbing from his mouth. Ultimate Spidermonkey is more than TRIPLE the size of his original form. His new height and tall arachnid legs let him attack enemies from a distance; enemies that get too close will have to deal with gorilla-like strength and punches!

Ultimate Spidermonkey Ben 10 Ultimate Alien: Cosmic DestructionCourtesy of D3Publisher

Ben Tennyson

Ben Tennyson is now 16 years old and an international mega-star super hero after his secret identity has been revealed to the world. Armed with the new mega-powerful Ultimatrix, Ben will see action in places he’s never been. Now on his newest set of adventures, the clumsy 10-year-old from the past has been replaced by a brave teenager who must learn to overcome his reckless instincts to deal with his newfound power, responsibility and leadership.

Ben Tennyson Ben 10 Ultimate Alien: Cosmic DestructionCourtesy of D3Publisher

Ben 10 Ultimate Alien: Cosmic Destruction is coming this fall to PS3, PSP, PS2, Xbox 360, Nintendo DS, and Wii!