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Pac-Man World 3: Gamecube, PS2 and Xbox Game Review

Dec 27, 2006

Pac-Man's coming home to celebrate his 25th birthday and munch on some tasty cake when, suddenly, he's teleported to an underground lair! Before you know it, the yellow dude is up to his eyeballs in action as he tries to stop the heinous Erwin from stealing spectral energy to power his army of robots. Dangit, you just know his cake's going to get stale. Here's our review of the Pac-Man World 3 video game action.

Pac-Moves in Pac-Man World 3

Brace yourself for a whole lot of running, jumping, item collecting, and puzzle-solving action. Pac-Man World 3 has 15 levels full of classic video game action, power-ups, villains and reasons to use a flying butt drop on bad guys.

Power-Ups and Wicked Moves in Pac-Man World 3

The best news about Pac-Man World 3 is that it's a funny game with a lot of platform-game action and a good story. From chatting with former bad guy ghosts, Blinky and Clyde, to impersonating the Emperor by shooting lightning from his hands, the Pac-meister has game!

Glitches and Bummers in Pac-Man World 3

Pac-Man World 3 is fun, but it's like the game wasn't finished properly. The graphics are rough, the camera spazzes occasionally, and the game can mess up so badly that you have to restart your game console.

Pac-Man World 3 Final Word!

If you're looking for a solid game that'll get you twiddling your thumbs and having fun, Pac-Man World 3 is great. It has some problems that keeps it from being fantastic, but it's still a solid game and worth playing.

Pac-Man World 3 Thumbs Up:

  • Say it with me... "Butt Stomp!"
  • You can team up with Blinky and Clyde!
  • Zzzzzot! I am the Emperor! Mwa-ha-ha!
  • Pac-Man World 3 Thumbs Down:

  • It's glitchy and the graphics look rough.
  • The camera spazzes on you.
  • Pac-Man World 3 Game Rating:

    Pac-Man World 3 is available for:

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