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Gamecube vs. Xbox

Reviewed by on Dec 27, 2006
Rating: 1 Star Rating

The Nintendo Gamecube and Microsoft Xbox launched with huge game parties in New York on the weekend of November 15-18, 2001. Garys got the gaming info on which console kicked butt!

November 15 - 18, 2001 was a huge a weekend for gamers. The two biggest competitors in the Console Wars hit the streets and started fighting for first place. The Nintendo Gamecube and the Microsoft Xbox both launched and here's how the launches stacked up:

Gamecube and Xbox Launch Parties:

Both consoles held parties in New York City to celebrate their launches. Microsoft held its huge party at the Toys "R" Us in Times Square. There were Xbox billboards, T-shirts and even free donuts to keep the party jumping while Bill Gates and The Rock played Dead or Alive 3. At 12:01 the first Xbox, signed by Big Bill himself, was sold to Eduardo Glucksman. Nintendo's New York launch party on the 17th was way smaller but had a few celebs like Lil' Kim and Alan Cummings (from Spy Kids and Spy Kids 2) show up and play games.
1Winner: Xbox

Gamecube and Xbox Console Supplies:

The party may be cool but who can deliver the goods? Both consoles were talking about having 700,000 consoles ready for launch and 100,000 more per week after. When it came down to the wire Nintendo delivered - they had 700,000 consoles and more on the way. Microsoft isn't talking about how many they have. That's not a good sign...
1Winner: Gamecube

Gamecube and Xbox Games:

You have your console, what are you gonna do with it? Play games! Which console's got the most game? The Xbox launched with 18 games for you to twiddle your fingers at while the poor lil' Cube only had about a half-dozen games to choose from. 1Winner: Xbox

The Launch Champion:

1! The Xbox !1

The Xbox rocketed to an early lead over the itsy-bitsy Gamecube! Score one for Big Bill and the big, black, Xbox.

How crazy were you willing to get for a Gamecube?

Our last poll says that:

  • 37% of you would Shave your head and paint yourself blue for a Cube.
  • 12% of you would Eat a Gamecube made of Spam.
  • 25% of you would paint a picture - using your tongue!
  • 25% of you would juggle N64's and whistle a tune.
  • Guess what, people actually did those crazy things to win a Gamecube!

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