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Guilty Party, Metroid Other M, and Valkyria Chronicles 2

Aug 26, 2010

Keep up-to-date with all the latest video game releases! Kidzworld has all the latest games to keep watch for. This week, we preview Guilty Party, Metroid: Other M, and Valkyria Chronicles 2!

Disney Guilty Party

Get the whole family together and solve mysteries with Guilty Party, a Wii party game following the exploits of the brand new Dickens Detective Agency. The Master Criminal Mr. Valentine is up to no good, but you and up to three other people work together (and against each other!) to stop him. Your Wiimote will function as your all-purpose mystery-solving tool, becoming a flashlight, lockpick, or magnifying glass in different mini-games. Kind of like Mario Party, it's a bit like a board game, and it's guaranteed to provide a new experience every time you give it a go.

Metroid: Other M

Samus Aran, one of the first female protagonists in gaming, has never really revealed who she is and what she's about, but that all changes with the latest Metroid game, Other M. Nintendo is teaming up with Team Ninja (of the Ninja Gaiden series) to combine a fresh storyline with laser-precise and fast-paced action. You hold the Wiimote sideways to play the game in 3rd person, but can at any time flip the controller around to look and shoot in first person instead, a really neat combination of the two gameplay methods.

Metroid: Other MCourtesy Nintendo

Valkyria Chronicles 2

The original Valkyria Chronicles was an under-appreciated classic tactical RPG with an anime look and feel. This sequel is coming out exclusively for the PSP, bringing the same strategic action and beautiful graphics to the small screen. The game is set in an alternate version of World War II-era Europe. You control several recruits in the Gallian Army who must prepare to combat a revolution and civil war. You control each soldier or tank individually by turns, but fighting and moving in real time, making the game a hybrid between tactical, role-playing game, and shooter.

Valkyria Chronicles 2Courtesy SEGA

What Video Games are Dropping This Week?

  • August 30th - TNT Racers for Xbox 360, Wii, and PS3 (download)
  • August 30th - Cthulhu Saves the World for Xbox 360 (download)
  • August 31st - Castle Crashers for PS3 (download)
  • August 31st - Disney Guilty Party for Wii
  • August 31st - Metroid: Other M for Wii
  • August 31st - Ace Combat: Joint Assault for PSP
  • August 31st - Valkyria Chronicles 2 for PSP