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MLB 12: The Show, Street Fighter X Tekken, and Ridge Racer Unbounded!

Mar 06, 2012

Well, it's March and spring is pretty much upon us. It's the perfect time to get outside and enjoy some sports. If that's not really your thing, perhaps you can still enjoy some adrenaline pumping action with some video games. This week we look at MLB 12: The Show, Street Fighter X Tekken, and Ridge Racer Unbounded!

MLB 12: The Show

Spring is an excellent time to get into baseball and Sony seems to know it. MLB 12: The Show will be out this week for the PlayStation 3 and the new PlayStation Vita. Aside from updated rosters, improved graphics, and better music, this year's entry to the series will also feature support for the PlayStation Move. It is also the first MLB game to be made exclusively for the PlayStation 3 home console!

Street Fighter X Tekken

Two fighting game experts, Capcom and Namco, have teamed up to create a pair of exciting games. First up is Street Fighter X Tekken, which is made by Capcom and contains a lot of the features from Street Fighter IV, such as Super Combos and EX Attacks. The difference is, you can play as Street Fighter characters as well as Tekken characters. The Tekken characters can still do their traditional combos with the Namco-styled 4-button system. Namco's fighting game, Tekken X Street Fighter, will be a very different game and will be coming out in the future.

Ridge Racer Unbounded

The long standing street racing game will be getting another entry to the series for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and the PC this month. Aside from improved graphics and driving physics, the game will also feature the ability to create your own race tracks and sharing them with others. Crash into opponents and find all the shortcuts!

Have Your Say!

So, what do you think about this week's games? Are there any games that you are looking forward to playing in the future? Share your thoughts and see what other people think in the comments below!

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