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E3 2009 Summary: Microsoft

Jun 09, 2009

So, the Electronic Entertainment Expo has closed its doors for this year. Throughout the event, some amazing announcements were made and even more amazing games were featured on the exhibition floor. The big three: Microsoft, Nintendo and Sony, all held a press conferences that showcased what gamers could look forward to between now and the next E3.

There were also press conferences held for third party game publishers Ubisoft, Electronic Arts, and Konami. Just like what we did for our E3 preview, Kidzworld will be taking a look at what each company brought to E3, starting with Microsoft.

Microsoft Puts on a Show

The head honchos at Microsoft showed that they really knew how to entertain. The Microsoft press conference was a brilliant show that featured many celebrities. Tony Hawk was there to show off the new skateboard periperal that would work with his new game, Tony Hawk RIDE. The remaining Beatles, Ringo and Paul, came on stage to introduce The Beatles Rock Band game, where multiple people can sing and harmonize at the same time.

Microsoft also showed Brutal Legend, a rock music themed action/adventure game starring the voice of Jack Black and featuring rock legends like Ozzy Osbourne. Other things, like Final Fantasy XIII, Forza 3, full Xbox 360 game downloads coming in August, and facebook and twitter integration were mentioned but the most exciting thing had to be Project Natal.

Project Natal is the current name of Microsoft's motion detecting technology. Unlike the Wii, you do not need to hold anything or wear anything special. Simply set up the camera in front of your TV. Move, and the camera will accurately follow the movement of your entire body. The camera also has face and voice recognition. For the game Paint Party, you can throw paint around and call out the colors that you want.

There is a really exciting game being developed for Project Natal currently and it was shown at the press conference. The game, called Milo and Kate, features an AI boy or girl that will recognition your face and interact with you like a friend. They will be able to detect your emotion based on your voice and facial patterns and have nice conversations with you and your family.

Project Natal looks to be very promising, but it there is no announced release date yet. Also not mentioned is what developer Rare, who makes Banjo and Kazooie, is making right now and there is no news on the gaming Zune that was promised last year.

E3 Summary continues

Microsoft had some very exciting announcements and games ready for their press conference. Check back tomorrow to see if Nintendo kept the buzz going as we continue our E3 summary.

Related Articles:

  • E3 2009 Preview: Microsoft
  • E3 2009 Preview: Nintendo
  • E3 2009 Preview: Sony
  • E3 2009 Preview: Game Developers