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I Can't Believe That Happened!

Jan 04, 2019

There are moments we will never forget in our lives - unfortunately not all of them are good. I can still remember the day my shorts split down the butt in grade four gym class. UGH! Well, at least I know I am not the only one with those painful memories. Kidzworld members have let us share some of their embarrassing, but hilarious moments. Check it out:

Lunch Line Flashings

We were at school in the lunch line and there were five classes in the line so it was really long. But anyway, my sister got dared to pants her friend, so she did and the whole line saw! Everybody was laughin' - my sister had just walked away like nuttin' happened. Then her friend came and tried to pants her but her pants were to tight, so she lifted up her shirt and her bra was showin. My sister's friend didn't think that would embarrass my sister that much so she lifted up her bra. Everybody saw this too but they weren't laughing. They said "You have big boobs" to my sister. Most guys like her, and they saw, and it made them like her even more. My sister laughed so it's all good now.

Kidz Submit By:
Age: 13

Potty Break Gone Wrong

There was a man and he really wanted to go to the bathroom - real bad. But he didn't know where it was so he asked this other man. Problem was that the man he asked kept on stuttering. Anyway, the man who had to go to the bathroom couldn't quite understand him and needed to go real bad. But as soon as the man told him where it was, it was too late! The man pooped in his underwear!

Teacher's Undies

Another one was when this boy in my old school bent over and somehow my teacher tripped over him and her undies showed! We all burst out laughing but our teacher went so red and I think she was crying. I didn't really notice that then, but it was so funny! We all hated her anyway.

Kidz Submit By:
Age: 12

Disco Dancing Classmates

I was in class and the teacher went out of the room so this boy, Jimmy, stands up and he starts doing YMCA. So the next day, I guess he thought standing up wasn't good enough, so he gets up on his chair and does it again! So the next day after that, he wrote me a note asking if I would do YMCA with him - so I did it! He did that all year it was SO funny!

Kidz Submit By:
Age: 11

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