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Nintendo Gameboy Advance E-Reader

Reviewed by on Dec 27, 2006
Rating: 5 Star Rating

Check out Nintendos new Gameboy Advance E-Reader. Combine it with Pokemon cards, your Gamecube and other games to unlock cheats, secrets and cool tips!

Just when you thought your Gameboy Advance couldn't get any cooler...

Nintendo just released a new toy so cool it'll give you the shivers. The Nintendo E-Reader is a fist-sized gadget you can plug into your Gameboy Advance. Once you do that and power it up, it tells you to start swiping cards.

Swiping cards?

Yup - the Nintendo E-Reader plugs into your Gameboy Advance and lets you swipe special cards to load data into the system. For a couple of bucks you can pick up a classic Nintendo game on a handful of cards. Swipe the cards to load the game onto your Gameboy Advance and you'll be able to play it on your GBA.

Classic games aren't the only cool trick you can pull with your E-Reader. If you pick up some of the new Pokemon-e: Expedition cards they come loaded with special swipeable cards. The small strip will tell you all kinds of info about your Pokemon creature - including tips and tactics! The big strip on the card has info that'll let you play a game or load some sort of strange musical program. It may take more than one card to load the games up, so you'll have to collect the full set to play the game!

If that's not enough to make the E-Reader sound cool, how about this: Special cards unlock bonuses in Gamecube games! If you plug in your Gameboy Advance as a Gamecube controller you can swipe cards to unlock hidden extras in Animal Crossing and more.

The best part about the E-Reader is that it works properly. Some card-swiping games can hardly read the cards and really suck. The E-Reader works like a charm almost every time.

The Nintendo E-Reader costs about $40US ($60Can) to buy and can be found at cool game stores near you.

Are The Controls Hard To Learn?

They'll take about five minutes to learn.

How Hard Is The Game?

Every game is different.

Age Rating: Everyone.

Thumbs Up:

  • Classic games for $5!
  • Swipeable Pokemon tips and info.
  • Collectible Pokemon game cards.
  • Gamecube game interactivity.

    Thumbs Down:

  • Highly addictive.

    Rating: 5


    Gameboy Advance

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