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Good and Bad Procrastination

Aug 30, 2011

Are you a procrastinator? As school quickly approaches, and you’ve just had the best summer ever, it might be very difficult for you to get into school mode and quit procrastinating. Let’s try to make procrastination a good thing instead of something that could make you lazy, out of shape and put you in the bad books with your teacher.

What is Procrastination?

Procrastination is when you listen to the little devil on your shoulder telling you to do something fun instead of your homework. Here are some examples of the things that little red guy is whispering in your ear…

Little DevilCourtesy of The Simpsons
  • “Just one more episode of Spongebob… then we’ll hit the books.”
  • “Well, if we’re going to have one more bowl of ice cream, we might as well eat it with a movie.”
  • “Well if you’re going to do your homework, you better call all your BFF’s first so that they don’t disturb you later… right?”

Why Do You Procrastinate?

Procrastination is really sneaky and if it gets really bad, it can prevent you from having really fun experiences that you could have done if all your work was to be finished. So why do you procrastinate? Here are some possibilities:

  • You don’t understand your homework
  • Studying is boring
  • You’re always thinking about your friends
  • You’re addicted to tv/internet/video games
  • You’re always hungry

Procrastination PileCourtesy of

Procrastination Power

You’re not alone… I think everyone can relate to each one of those possibilities. But there is hope young grasshopper. If you accept the fact that you procrastinate and you want to change things, try these secret methods:

Bedroom BounceCourtesy of
  • Set up a short homework party with your friends every day. Your friends can help you understand and make your homework fun just by talking about it briefly every day.
  • Dance by yourself in front of the mirror. It’s a great way to release energy that you can’t get out when you’re sitting down reading.
  • Finger painting! Painting without any desire to make a perfect painting is an amazing way to get over being perfect. It triggers your creative side of the brain too!
  • In between assignments, shoot some hoops, play catch with your dad, or juggle a soccer ball until you hit a goal.
  • Reward yourself with one treat every time you finish a homework assignment (that includes tv.internet time/video games/phone calls etc)
  • Keep a diary. Writing down what you do everyday is a great way to build a list of accomplishments that you will be proud of and it will make you want to make it grow!

Have Your Say

What are some of the things you do to procratinate or avoid procratination? Let us know by leaving a comment below!

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