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The Boxtrolls Blu-ray Review

Reviewed by on Jan 20, 2015
Rating: 5 Star Rating

Heroes come in all shapes and sizes in the family event movie The Boxtrolls. Check out Kidzworlds Blu-ray review!

Quirky, mischievous and good-hearted, the Boxtrolls are unique creatures who have lovingly raised a human boy named Eggs in a fantastical charming cavern below the bustling streets of Cheesebridge. But when the evil Archibald Snatcher schemes to capture Eggs’ family, it’s up to Eggs and his feisty new friend Winnie to save the Boxtrolls!

Boxtrolls meet WinnieBoxtrolls meet WinnieCourtesy of Universal Pictures Home Entertainment

The Bottom Line

A large part of the incredible charm of The Boxtrolls comes from the delicate stop-motion animation, and luckily for viewers it looks better than ever on Blu-ray! Picking up all the small details, this is the perfect animated film to see in high definition - and you'll be able to view at home in 2D and 3D as well! Based on the novel Here Be Monsters by Alan Snow, The Boxtrolls has a little something for everyone - it's not only funny and imaginative, but it's got a great story with a lot of heart. With an all-star voice cast including Elle Fanning and Ben Kingsley, you'll find yourself rooting for Eggs and Winnie and the entire boxtroll community of Cheesebridge as they fight for their very existence! 

Winnie (Elle Fanning) and Eggs (Isaac Hempstead Wright) dance at a ballWinnie (Elle Fanning) and Eggs (Isaac Hempstead Wright) dance at a ballCourtesy of Universal Pictures Home Entertainment

The Boxtrolls Blu-ray has more than its share of great extras, although we highly recommend the 5 featurettes as the most enjoyable (who wouldn't want this fun story to last a little longer), and the behind-the-scenes bonus feature has a lot to offer for fans as well. Get ready to bring the town of Cheesebridge home with you, in the cold winter months this is a perfect Blu-ray to sit down and watch with the family one chilly evening.


Bonus Features

  • Dare To Be Square: Behind The Scenes of The Boxtrolls
  • Voicing The Boxtrolls
    • The tremendously talented cast members of The Boxtrolls discuss what it’s like to voice an animated puppet, what each actor brought to his/her role, whether their personalities were similar to their characters, and more. 
  • Inside The Box
    • The directors, producers, and creative supervisor of character fabrication Georgina Hayns share the challenges of crafting characters who are inside a box.
  • The Big Cheese: Allergy Snatcher
    • The directors and producers are joined by Brian McLean, director of Rapid Prototyping, to discuss how the animation studio LAIKA creates the faces for their puppets. The big story here – literally! – is how Snatcher’s face changes shape due to his cheese allergy.
  • Deconstructing The Dance
    • Discover how LAIKA combined traditional stop-motion animation with visual effects in order to create the beautiful ballroom dance sequence – and how costume designer Deborah Cook met the challenge of creating costumes that could flow during a dance scene.
  • Think Big: The Mecha Drill
    • Standing 5 feet tall and weighing over 75 pounds, the Mecha-Drill is the largest stop motion puppet/prop ever created by LAIKA. Follow its creation from design to completion.

Winnie and her parents at a festivalWinnie and her parents at a festivalCourtesy of Universal Pictures Home Entertainment


  • The Nature of Creation
  • Trolls Right Off The Tongue
  • Allergic To Easy
  • Let's Dance
  • On the Shoulders of Giants

The Boxtrolls Blu-ray Rating:5

The Boxtrolls Blu-ray CoverThe Boxtrolls Blu-ray CoverCourtesy of Universal Pictures Home Entertainment

The Boxtrolls is now available on Blu-ray & DVD!