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Kung Fu Panda 3 – Emotional Rollercoaster & Comedic Sequel

Reviewed by on Jan 28, 2016
Rating: 5 Star Rating

Who hasn’t fallen in love with the adorable Po, as he continues on his legendary adventures of awesomeness? Abigail from KIDS FIRST! reviews Kung Fu Panda 3!

By Abigail Zoe L., KIDS FIRST! Film Critic, 8 years old

Kung Fu Panda 3 Movie Review


This film rocks! It holds nothing back as it is full of adventures that are fun and full of heart. This third film of the awesome Kung Fu Panda series has us once again rooting for the most loveable Panda, Po. Watching Po in this movie is like watching myself because of his endless enthusiasm and passion for life which is just like me! He’s silly, funny and clumsy and still able to save the day!

We find Po battling a villain, discovering his true father and discovering his true self. The villain, Kai, wants to take the chi from all the great kung fu masters so he can become the most powerful grand master of the world. Kai will stop at nothing and the only possible way to defeat him is Po. Po must channel his inner chi and confidence to stop Kai.

The fearsome and power-hungry warrior KaiThe fearsome and power-hungry warrior KaiCourtesy of 20th Century Fox

Part of Po’s adventure is set in Panda Village where the student must learn how to become the teacher. For the first time Po meets other pandas. He changes this panda community and they also change him. Also, with the help of his mentor Shifu and the Furious Five, Po learns what it is to overcome challenges and become his own hero. At the heart of the story is the lesson that what is important in life is to become the best you can be. Po finally realizes this.

Po frolicking in the panda village's hot springPo frolicking in the panda village's hot springCourtesy of 20th Century Fox

My favorite part of this film is when Po meets his real dad, Li.  This occurs in his adoptive father’s restaurant when Li breaks Po’s dumpling eating record. This is both a touching and yet hilarious scene as everyone in the restaurant realizes that they are father and son except them.

Po meets his long-lost panda father LiPo meets his long-lost panda father LiCourtesy of 20th Century Fox

While all the voices are amazing and perfectly match the characters I really like Jack Black’s voice as Po. I really can’t think of any other actor’s voice better for this role than Jack’s. Po’s look, personality and most importantly his soul is just totally Jack Black. I also love J. K. Simmons who voices the villain, Kai. His voice is so perfectly evil yet it also has this lack of confidence in it that can make you giggle at times. For instance, Kai considers himself very special and famous but when he escapes the Spirit World and arrives on earth he finds that no one has ever even heard of him.

Jack Black as the voice of PoJack Black as the voice of PoCourtesy of 20th Century Fox

There are many wonderful and positive messages in this film. One of my favorites message is that you have to believe in yourself and never give up. Another beautiful message from the film is that you are not alone in this world and that family is important. However, the message that stands out in my mind is when Shifu tells Po: “If you only do what you can you will only be what you are.” This means a lot to me because I think everyone is special and we all have something very special to offer and bring to the world.

Film CriticAbigail Zoe L.Film CriticAbigail Zoe L.Courtesy of KIDS FIRST!

Kung Fu Panda 3 comes out in theatres Friday, January 29, 2016.  You definitely don’t want to miss this incredible animated film that is filled with adventure, humor and hear. I recommend this movie for all ages and give it 5 out of 5 stars.

Kung Fu Panda 3 Movie Rating: 5

Kung Fu Panda 3 Movie PosterKung Fu Panda 3 Movie PosterCourtesy of 20th Century Fox

Kung Fu Panda 3 Interviews by Michelle C.


Kung Fu Panda 3 Trailer


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