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Pledge of Allegiance Feedback - Page 5

Jan 14, 2019

Last week we wrote about the court case that was filed in California about the words "under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance. Tons of Kidzworld members sent us their thoughts on this controversial case. Take a look at what Kidzworld members have to say:

I think this is all whack. Personally, I don't say the Pledge. I don't feel the need. I was born here and that's good enough for me. The things that I do in everyday life prove that I am an American so I see no reason why I should have to pledge my allegiance to this country every day. We're not Germany in the 1930s here, promising to be good Germans, so why bother? We as students do have rights and one of them is that we do not have to say the Pledge of Allegiance. My ending points are actually questions that we should all think about when it comes to believing that the church and state are seperate:

  1. If the church and state are seperate, how come we get religous holdiays off (usually Christian holidays.)
  2. How come "In God we trust" is on our money?
  3. How come whenever some one is sworn into office or as a witness in court, it's always on the bible?
  4. How come it says "Under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance? Do you know why they get away with that? Because the church and state really aren't seperate. They're just telling you it is to please me and people like me.

Kidz Submit by:

Nickname: N/A
Age: 16

I think the Pledge should stay the way it is, because the Pledge has been in the United States for years and is older than some states themselves. So why should the states say what happens to the flag?

Kidz Submit by:

Nickname: speeddemon1569
Age: 16

[I think the Pledge should definitely be changed because it is clearly a violation of the first amendment. Separation of church and state, as well as freedom of religion. Think, if you are a Muslim for instance, saying "under God" instead of "under Allah," is the school board and government telling you that the god you believe in, doesn't exist? This is not even the way the Pledge was originally written and is not the basis our nation was built on. You do not need god to be patriotic, and you do not need god to be an American. REMOVE THE WORDS "under God" from the Pledge! It is unconstitutional!

Kidz Submit by:

Nickname: cap52486
Age: 17

For more Kidzworld member feedback on this debate, click here!

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