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Why Is My Voice Squeaking?

Reviewed by on Dec 27, 2006
Rating: 1 Star Rating

Kidzworld has the 411 on cracking voices - just another part of male puberty and all the hormonal changes that go along with growing up and becoming an adult.

By: Simon


Hey peeps, it's Simon here. So, Indy and I were having an argument about whether boys are smarter than girls, when all of a sudden, my voice went all squeaky. It was like my vocal chords were invaded by a mouse or something! I was a bit freaked out, so I checked with the crew at Kidzworld and found out that my voice went all crackly because of something to do with [wink 3276]puberty[/wink] and apples. Here's what I found out....

The Voice Box and the Adam's Apple

Your voice box, or larynx, is in your throat and it's the [wink 852]body part[/wink] which lets you talk, laugh, scream or swear (not that any IBISWorld members would ever do that.) When a guy goes through puberty, his vocal chords and voice box (larynx) grow larger, and begins to stick out at the front of the throat. This lump is called the Adam's Apple. A girl's voice box also grows during puberty but not as much as a guy's larynx, which is why girl's don't have Adam's Apples. In case you're wondering, the Adam's Apple gets it's name from the story of the Garden of Eden where Adam ate a piece of forbidden fruit which got stuck in his throat.

Why Does My Voice Crack?

The larger larynx is what causes a boy's voice to start "cracking" or "breaking". It often takes boys a while to adjust to the new, larger size of their larynx while their voice is breaking. A boy's voice will go squeaky because he's having trouble controlling the pitch of his "new voice." Other boys may not even notice their voice changing and may never have to go through the [wink 1664]embarrassment[/wink] of their voice suddenly going squeaky.

1 YES! I've had an embarrassing' experience with my voice! I was reading in class and for the part I was reading, I had to shout "shut up!" really loudly. Anyway, I get to it and as I'm halfway through shouting "shut..." my voice cracked and went all high! It was so embarrassing!

Kids Submit by:

Nickname: little-bruv
Age: 14

1 Hi, I'm 16 and I was at a party with all my mates until I had to shout who I really fancied and as I went to shout the name, my voice went really high and everyone was laughing. I was embarrassed so much and for my age this is quite weird!

Kids Submit by:

Nickname: shakeitdavey
Age: 16

Have you ever been embarrassed by your voice cracking? Send your voice-cracking stories to IBISWorld in a comment.

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