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Geography - The Lost City of Atlantis Feedback

Reviewed by on Dec 27, 2006
Rating: 1 Star Rating

During the Early Stone Ages a city existed that was so technically advanced it seemed out of a sci-fi movie. In one night Atlantis vanished under the waves of the Atlantic Ocean, lost forever. - Page 3

1 I totally believe it.

Kidz Submit by:

Nickname: Fates
Age: 15

1 The Greeks often used myths to explain what they didn't understand, instead of fact. They used entertainment as a way of life. I believe it could've existed, but then again, we haven't found much evidence. I mean, with our technology you think we would've found something! Like I said, the Greeks were magnificent story tellers, and this could be one of their myths, like Johnny Appleseed is to us.

Kidz Submit by:

Nickname: evenstar06
Age: 15

1 I believe Atlantis existed because all the myths and urban legends I read about really did exist 11,600 years ago. I plan on getting enough money to go on a search for the lost city of Atlantis but first I must retreive the book of "The Shepherds Journal" which really is in Iceland. I know because I have read much information on Atlantis by many men who have went in search for The Shepherds Journal. Atlantis exists and I will prove to everyone that it's not just a myth or an urban legend but once was reality.

Kidz Submit by:

Nickname: iluvshaunmorgan
Age: 14

1 I am Greek. I know that Plato was a philosopher, so much of his writings were not true. But Atlantis, in my opinion, did exist. There is proof that it was part of the island now known as Cyprus, in the Mediterranean Sea.

Kidz Submit by:

Nickname: neaclina
Age: 13

1 There is no proof that Atlantis existed. Maybe there was some kind of lost city, but it's hard to believe that a city so advanced really existed at one time. Egyptians were very advanced for their time but at least there was real proof. There are only stories about Atlantis but no real evidence that it really existed.

Kidz Submit by:

Nickname: mandy1013
Age: 13

1 I think we have no right to say. If there is more than one story to Atlantis, and I read both, they are very similar. You do the math. The real question is... Is Atlantis Greek or maybe a whole different culture worshiping the same gods with diferent names. Like the Romans.

Kidz Submit by:

Nickname: Silver_Explorer
Age: 15

1 I believe in parts of it. Ever since I saw the movie I can't help but think that there's an Atlantis that is under water and I believe in kinda the daughter of the Queen. I know I sound wacked-out but we don't know if there is an Atlantis. So if you think im crazy, fine.

Kidz Submit by:

Age: 16

1 I want to think that Atlantis is not a myth. I love Greek mythology and all about the gods and goddesess. I would love for it to be real and for maybe a chance to see it. It sounds amazing. Why can't it be real? Everything can be real if you want to make it real.

Kidz Submit by:

Nickname: iwannabelieveit
Age: 15

1 Atlantis is a myth that is so close to being solved. There are explorers out there right now going on Plato's books and they have found things to back it up! Yes, I think it's real and I know it's real!

Kidz Submit by:

Nickname: kecky
Age: 16

1 Atlantis DID exist... we can tell from the theory and research done. Some of which supports the sinking of Atlantis is how the flood charts over the past few centuries show the Atlantic Ocean has greatly increased in size proving that Atlantis sunk under the waves of the Atlantic.

Kidz Submit by:

Nickname: Cuivedui
Age: 14

What do you think about this almost magical place? Would you try and find it? What would you do if you did find it?

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